My rat has a tumor. :( forums

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I love rats..... The are so cuddly and friendly and clean!! Had 14 at one time in college... My wife is a biologist and we got them through the Biology Dept. But to a one... The all ended up with tumors on their heads, bleeding out the ear.... It just seems to be their life cycle.. Still it's sad... Good luck!!

Originally Posted by KristieTX /img/forum/go_quote.gif I just discovered tonight that my rat Tweety has a tumor. I'm going to talk to one of the vets tomorrow that has worked with exotic animals before and see if he can look at her. I'm so sad. I love my rats. What sucks is she did come from a home where the man that had her chain smoked and she got it blown right in her face. She's only about 2 years old too. Poor baby.
Awww, I'm sorry.I know it's not uncommon for them; I had a rat when I was a kid (her name was Marcy, hee hee!), she was about 2 or 3 years old when suddenly there were 4 huge lumps on her body.

My kids had 2 rats a few years ago and the same thing happened to one of them- they both in the same cage, came from the same store at the same time, just one got sick.

No smokers. Just a genetic predisposition in rodents.

Tweety is having surgery Friday morning. I will post pics of my baby when she comes home from the hospital.

Tweety had surgery this morning and she won't quit messing with her stitches. It was definitely a nasty looking tumor and is being sent off for biopsy.

I wish that they made rat e-collars. LOL
