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Jan 4, 2007
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Ok, so I was reading one of those women's magazines, and at the back they have 'gardening' and 'hair cutting' by the moon - they tell you the dates that are best for cutting hair to encourage growth, and when to cut hair to retard growth.

I was wondering if anyone has actually tried it and found it to work, or if anyone has any idea whether it's true?

I've heard one woman say it is, that she gets her legs waxed depending on the moon, and as a result she doesn't have to get it done so often. I thought it was interesting

thats way too much effort to put into shaving or waxing my legs or cutting my hair for me.

I've done it several times - though I can't really say I saw a difference. For a couple of years, with the help of a magazine I chose specific dates for cutting or colouring my hair to make it grow thicker and faster and to keep the colour fresh for a longer time, but I don't think it works (but it doesn't hurt either ...). Some people are convinced, others argue for example how it should affect your hair roots where the growth happens when you cut the ends ... I also tried it with waxing, and again: didn't really see a difference to "normal" days. Maybe my hair doesn't want to listen to the moon

lol. I'm sure mine wouldn't either.. but there's more foolish things to believe in than that. I guess I'd give it a go, if I actually bought the magazine then I'd know when to go to the hairdresser, lol

I'm one of those who are not convinced. But most people report a growth spurt during the warmer months like summer and a stall or slow down in growth during winter.

My brother in law is Lakota and swears that if you want your hair to grow fast you should braid it tightly on a full moon.

That's all I've heard about that sort've stuff.

If its growth you're looking for sunshine and B vitamins, especially riboflavin, are rumored to help.

I don't really believe it. I don't think your scalp knows when you cut your hair, whenever it may be.


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