Monday is my night to do the dishes. Is this "fair"? forums

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well... I say everyone should do their own. Use them and wash them. And I also think if everyone had their own dishes and washed them then that'd be good but I can see how that wouldn't work..

I'd probably do it the first time, but then say, look, there are heaps of dishes here, this isnt fair since I havent USED any dishes, and then do what the other girls suggested. Ask that the system be changed.

I guess it's all part of living together. Annoying, but that's how it is. Good luck, hopefully you wont have to keep on washing away at them!

everyone gave some really good advices but I think u can all try to be friends and do it together after all u are roomates try to make it look like it's a fun thing to do with them.... good luck and keep us posted!

I think you could avoid a conflict and just do those dishes on Monday. Sometimes it is wise to pick your battles.

It would be way too crowded for 4 people at one little sink doing all the dishes.

Good sugguestion though

The dishes were done. Not by me.

And I never even said anything! Hm!

Well washing dishes isn't my thing either. Since you guys agreed upon taking on the responsibility of cleaning them and agreed to your assigned date, in this case it is fair. BUT,I believe that your roomies are just tryin to get over on ya. If your'e thinkin that maybe the schedule should be changed then let them know about it. I had to make my "chores" fun, so try listening to your fav. radio station or cd while doin the dishes. Time will go by way faster!

I hate dishes lol. But everyone should really wash their own dishes. My mom used to get mad that the living room was always messy.... guess what? It was her crap, I believe in justice and fairness in America.... or Canada, or wherever for that matter.

i would tel them i think we need to go back to cleaning your own dishes;; you dont clean them.. then whatever have mold and bacteria grow.. and you will eventually wash your own dishes after you have no clean ones left

cause i would be *****en as well

Originally Posted by MindySue /img/forum/go_quote.gif It would be way too crowded for 4 people at one little sink doing all the dishes.
Good sugguestion though

The dishes were done. Not by me.

And I never even said anything! Hm!

yes I can see your point...

so mybe you can do cleaning days like 2 time a week put some really good CD that u all like and each girl do something

First, I would do the ones you were assigned. Then I would have a blunt discussion that since none of the dishes are yours its just not fair.

Hate to say this but if you are having problems already, things will be unbearable in a few more months. Either sit down with your roomates and work out a rotating schedule you can all live with.

Or else ask to be put in another apartment with girls you will be more compatible with.

we get along fine and they havent even spoken to me about the dishes, but someones been keeping the sink clean. and i have beencleaning my own as per usual.

Haha. That's good. Well, if it gets brought up - just tell your reason why you won't do it.

If they don't like it - tell them kiss ass.

i think they're abusing, so i would do it on monday as it is my assigned day, for once. then i'd tell them it's not fair i should wash all their dishes, and if they're not happy, well they can kiss ass like Celly said.

i don't know who has been cleaning up the sink, but i think this is not fair either for that person. it is, at least for me, basic politeness to clean your own dishes. if your roomates wanted to raise bacteria, they should have chosen biology lol.

I'm glad they're cleaning up, because it's not really fair for you to have to clean if you don't mess up you know?

I would march right up to her and say "Look I'm going to wash the dishes I use and that's that, if you want to assign days to other people by all means... but I'm not anyone's maid!" Too bad if she doesn't like it. Why should you have to clean other peoples dirty dishes!

I'm glad someone is keeping things clean in the sink, cause I don't like it when people are taken advantage of like that. And I do agree that everyone should wash their own cause things would get done.

Keep us posted on this.. I would really like to know how things are going

I'm glad the problem has been taken care of since, but I agree with everyone that said not to do them! Everyone should do their own dishes, that's not fair to make you do them if you didn't use any.

No way man!! If they dirty it... THEY clean it!! I SO adhere to this even with just my DH in our house!! I was over cleaning up after people YEARS ago while living with an ex... and all his freaking friends. No, I'm a 'talk to the hand' person all the way! I figure you teach people how to treat you, and if they are all like 'ah its the weekend, Mindy will do the dishes monday... stack 'em up!' then they will take advantage of you. Let them know you are a tough cookie and that you mean business, and that you have better things to do than clean up after their grotty selves!

Good Luck..... this stuff is difficult until you are taken advantage of one too many times and you just go 'hold the phones kids.. NO MORE!!'.

I don't think that's very fair at all! I think you should try and push for everyone to wash their own dishes! Remind them that you are not their mother and they should pick up after themselves.

Ok, I do advise you also to say this in the most polite, yet stern manner.


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