Miracle product for anyone trying to grow their hair!

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Dec 20, 2006
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I have been taking GNC Ultra Nourish hair tablets for several months in order to grow my hair out asap. Well I could tell that they were growing my hair faster, but I could never really tell how much faster. Well I recently got highlights about 3 weeks ago. This morning I noticed that the color was significantly far away from my scalp already so I pulled out a tapemeasurer and it read that the color is slightly more than 1 inch from my scalp! Hair only grows 1/2 an inch a month and mine already shows more than 1 inch of growth and it hasn't even been a month. I'll probably have 1.5 inches growth at one month! If anyone is trying to grow their hair out faster, I really think you should get these supplements.

That sounds great... But what I really need is more hair... Sigh... Is you hair getting thicker? I've tried Rogain and this DHT blocking stuff and I think it looks thicker.. Till my wife says it looks thinner! Lol.

Originally Posted by Karren /img/forum/go_quote.gif That sounds great... But what I really need is more hair... Sigh... Is you hair getting thicker? I've tried Rogain and this DHT blocking stuff and I think it looks thicker.. Till my wife says it looks thinner! Lol. Well I have always had thinner hair and to make it worse I have a thyroid problem that makes it fall out, but since I have started taking these there is much less hairs that fall out. Before it used to be a huge clump and now it is something like 6 -9 hairs only when I wash then go brush my hair.
Maybe I will stop by GNC and pick some up! I can call it Medical since I'm still on a No-buy! Lol. Thanks for the tip!


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