I'm going to have to look next time I'm at our local asian grocery store. I know a lot of things have the stickers on the package, but I swear there are things that have no english or french on it. I'm pretty sure I've picked out noodles for my husband based on the cartoon picture.@@blinded, I believe if the items are made at the local facilities, then I think you can get away with it but all imported items that are sold here must have both languages. And most Asian grocery stores I've been to seem to follow that rule (based on the items available that is).
I don't know - the mystery boxes sold out quickly....but others have been hanging around.my god i had to type in memebox to search its not in my previous or history any longer,
on looking at these new usa boxes am i thinking they heavy on the masks as fillers,and the lowest values going,and only certain brands,
there does not seem to be the value or choice in the boxes now,
but they must be selling ok in the usa,