Isn't Original Raw actually Chosungah?
Okay, I want to ask a question and I'm not trying to start anything dramatic, just looking for an honest answer. Why is everyone so annoyed with the value of memeboxes, but raving about Beauteque? I truly don't get it. The Beauteque milk box was worth almost exactly what it sold for if you buy everything on RRS, even with shipping. So from strictly box value POV, memebox is still worth more.
Now, if we are talking curation or customer service, that's different. The Beauteque milk box was definitely better curated than anything memebox has put out lately, no doubt about it. As for Beauteque's monthly sub, it's too early for me to judge it. I wasn't impressed with what I saw this month, but it's early still. I won't rule them out yet. If we're talking customer service, sure memebox sucks right now. No doubt about it.
I'm not paying $40 for a box, but I wouldn't pay that for any random product box. At $40 I want to have items I've chosen. But, if you look at the cost of the items vs. the box price they are still cheaper. Not as much of a discount as it used to be for sure, but you aren't paying the same as the value.
ETA: I just want to make it clear, I think Memebox is making huge mistakes right now and I'm not as excited as I used to be about them. No fangirl defense here.
Yes, Original Raw is Chosungah.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I love some of the Original Raw products. ( Blue Jam!!!)
I know this is the Memebox forum and I will tie this into Memebox, but I want to reply to your concerns and questions about Beateque as one of their first customers, and as a long- time repeat customer who spent a heck of a lot of money with them..
I was a customer of Beauteque's from their first BB bag. It was actually my intro to K- cosmetics.
For that alone, I am grateful. Memebox was confusing as to what to buy for a newbie, at least back then. ( 30+ boxes for sale and often, the sold out boxes still up for weeks).
Other than that, Beauteque is NOT the great bargain or a shop full of " fun people" that some people are now trying to claim.
They treated me extremely rudely over THEIR mistake in one of my bags. They never apologized, and I truly don't think the 2 older family members involved care what customers think or how they are treated. This IS based upon my history with a problem of them sending me the wrong items, then demanding that I send their mistake back ASAP at my cost before they would send out the right products I was missing. Not great CS at all
. And I had another bag with items missing, and when I wrote about it, they listed all the items that were supposed to be in the bag along with the retail values they thought were correct, questioned if I had the other items in the bag, then never replaced my missing item ( it was one of the major items in the bag package).
I felt like they were saying " OK, you got this and this and that, so you got your money's worth anyway. Not worth helping you".
I might buy one single bag or box from them if I pretty much know what's in it, but no more fake tangle tease brushes and the like for me.
Some of their bags have been full of products they've never sold nor advertised on their retail site. As in, they bought the items at an off- brand wholesale warehouse and showed photos of the one or two very small name brand items only. ( a lip gloss, a hand cream).
Also, Beauteque has been around for almost a year, but bloggers are now jumping all over it to say how great it is. I hope those who are new to Beauteque will be honest in their reviews and also see how problems/ legitimate complaints are handled. Although- bloggers might get much better CS than non- bloggers do when problems do occur.
The hurt can be really unexpected when you have felt that you were a valued customer who had spent hundreds of dollars, if not $1000 or more, not that I counted, with them from their beginnings.
At least with
Memebox, we KNOW from everything posted here and elsewhere and from our own experiences what risks we are taking when buying a $30-$35 mystery box and what level of CS we can expect, which can also be zero.