Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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What happened with China???
Nothing they split it into it's own shopping site and they seem to be rolling on out .whem the warehouse moved they split all up it seems. China got there own warehouse . If it moves to America more stock I think it will be the same . As they are putting more and more focus on USA now . Even the codes are not for global use really. It will be interesting to see what happens in the new year. I asked CS about the global codes and the way products are only in the USA shop and not global available and the reply was they will be streamlining it down so the memebox can get into the American market where they can get more sales. So since November I've been watching what the offers were . Tbh I'm not bothered anymore as the company have made the decision and I hope that they get the sales from people that they think are gonna buy this all. And we have more memebeandstuff coming wooo
The irony that a lot of the korean companies will sell to the U.S. cheaper direct isn't lost of me though.

Also the fact that I can buy elsewhere now with another bag going onto subscription is amusing too.

Seems stupid timing for memebox. But maybe they know something I dont.

Nothing they split it into it's own shopping site and they seem to be rolling on out .whem the warehouse moved they split all up it seems. China got there own warehouse . If it moves to America more stock I think it will be the same . As they are putting more and more focus on USA now . Even the codes are not for global use really. It will be interesting to see what happens in the new year. I asked CS about the global codes and the way products are only in the USA shop and not global available and the reply was they will be streamlining it down so the memebox can get into the American market where they can get more sales. So since November I've been watching what the offers were . Tbh I'm not bothered anymore as the company have made the decision and I hope that they get the sales from people that they think are gonna buy this all. And we have more memebeandstuff coming wooo
Ahh yes, yes. I suspect eventually Australia will be getting the ass end of the stick too and they probably won't ship here, I'm not really bothered either, there are plenty of places to spend money at the end of the day.

I have a feeling global sales will eventually be sidelined completely on favour of US / China as they are more stable with large numbers of consumers. Much easier to deal with than all the different tax systems that are in Europe and customs stopping packages and complaints from customers about being charged / lost packages etc.

There will always be other companies come along to fill the void though. They might not offer the exact same service (bags on subscription for example rather than boxes), but something else. While it would be sad to see memebox close their doors to more and more countries, it wouldn't be the end of the world either.

(Just hope they don't though!!)

I am so happy ~ my pumpkin box and my secret key value set should be here tomorrow!!  I cannot wait to try out the secret key items, as even though it is considered a low end brand, I have loved all of my secret key products :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Just been checking and Global #19 ships out on the 24th January. Not sure when they'll put the single box up but should be relatively soon. Might be tempted to buy the next Global bundle (assuming they release one next year) as would mean a box a month which would be nice. Had a look at the Beauteque website but it keeps crashing on my ipad so think I'll skip ATM and stick to memebox / Testerkorea instead.

I asked them about globals and was told that they didn't know if they were continuing them or not..  There was no definite answer.

Oh, that would be a shame if they stopped those as they seem to have a decent selection of products (I've ordered #16 from the restocks) but would be happy if they just did some awesome themed boxes (and actually stuck to the theme rather than just random stuff). Pumpkin pie was a good box as actually had items that were both fun and followed the theme (depending on whether you added lemon or not lol!).

Hi all,

Does anyone have the link to the electronic card for KBeauty Wrap Up 2?

Thanks in advance.

Hope everyone is enjoying the aftermath of the holidays!

I hope that the boxing day boxes are nice for you ladies!  I didn't order any (probably will regret it - haha), but I am hoping they are nice boxes :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
it is so sad - I only have a few more boxes coming...
pumpkin (should be here tomorrow)
cleanse & tone
winter masks
global 18
and then one lone box in january - which means a feb delivery - global 19....


well, I do have some value sets too, but I will miss my boxes...

oh well.  this is the way memebox wants to do it, more power to them.  I cannot stay up until 2-3 am in the morning to catch a restock or play these games with them.  They are a huge service and they should either stock decent amounts of quantities or bring back the VIP program. 

I've got quite a few coming

Boxing Day #2 mini box. Shipped 30/12/14

Pony Glam 2 palette. Still to ship

K-Beauty wrap up no 2 shipped 26/12 (wish I hadn't have bought this one)

winter mask essentials. Shipped 26/12

Luckybox #12. Shipped 24/12

Blackheads No More shipped 23/12 (for my husband)

Thumbs Up 23/12

Very Berry. Shipped 23/12

Beauty box #16. shipped 18/12

Empress Secrets shipped 16/12

Also got 2 TesterKorea orders (small ones) and a Body Shop UK order coming (they've got a great sale on at the moment and I like their frosted cranberry range).

Its not all for me as some will go to my Mum as well but don't think I need any more at the moment lol!!


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