Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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I think there's a lot of us on here that have a serious case of Memeoverload so until they release really well curated boxes (with a couple of spoilers thrown in), purchases will be few and far between. VIP status now isn't really worth having (globally anyway...and even the US offers aren't great). There are more and more companies offering better prices and international shipping and the likes of Beauteque now offering subscription (and one off) bags with Korean Beauty products so Memebox will need to up their game in order to compete. They may have been one of the first companies offering these products but they won't be the last and in order to grow, they need to ensure they offer consistently good boxes...coz if they don't, some other company will.

It looks like Memebox just sent notices to fans living in India, Denmark, and Hungary that they're not going to ship there as of 15 January. I'm not surprised by this, but really sad to see it happen. Anyone else receive the dreaded email? sigh

It looks like Memebox just sent notices to fans living in India, Denmark, and Hungary that they're not going to ship there as of 15 January. I'm not surprised by this, but really sad to see it happen. Anyone else receive the dreaded email? sigh
Wow, that is terrible! Did they give any reasons as to why they are ceasing shipping to those countries?

I just got this mail from Memebox:


Dear customer,

We regret to inform you that due to ongoing customs and shipment issues, we will no longer be able to ship to Denmark as of January 15th.

We know this is very disappointing, and we will continue to work to find solutions to international customs issues to get to a resolution. However, at this current time, we are unable to provide an adequate level of service for shipments to Denmark and must discontinue service with no further orders taken after January 15th.

Please note that for accounts with points, the points will still be useable until January 15th and for shipping to other serviced countries thereafter. For those accounts with more than the standard 3 points from sign-up (as of December 26, 2014), we will also be providing a cashout method via paypal (which may include applicable fees). Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause.


I didn't know there were any problems with customs in my country. Luckily I have memeoverload if not I would be sad. I hope that they get it fixed so I can buy again sometime in the new year.

Oh my, now I'm starting to seriously worry if I should expect "no more shipping to Poland" email :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And I'm very sorry that some countries get excluded again...

I suspected that something was up when Memebox said outright that they wouldn't issue gift cards this year. The newer box listings now have labels showing that they ship globally--like the shop items. Boxes that sold out a long time ago and weren't restocked don't have that label, so I think it was added consciously (and not as a result of someone flipping a switch and being forced by the programming to label everything, even things that don't need a label at this point like boxes). I'm wondering if the next change will be certain boxes shipping only in the US from SF.

I agree, lb12 was ehhh, but at least not too bad. Also, wasn't global 18 supposed to come out the same time too?
That went out on the 24th Dec so depends on individual countries postal service (UK has no deliveries on Boxing Day)

For me its 3 repeats, 3 new but will likely be able to use all the products so in that respect, its OK.

Really hope they release an awesome end of year superbox....out with the old and in with the new baby!! (so, all new products that are fantastic).

Also would love a Valentine's Day box (for my birthday) so it'll arrive on or around that date ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> to include some really cute items (so you say awhhh when u see them) or another birthday box...

I suspected that something was up when Memebox said outright that they wouldn't issue gift cards this year. The newer box listings now have labels showing that they ship globally--like the shop items. Boxes that sold out a long time ago and weren't restocked don't have that label, so I think it was added consciously (and not as a result of someone flipping a switch and being forced by the programming to label everything, even things that don't need a label at this point like boxes). I'm wondering if the next change will be certain boxes shipping only in the US from SF.
I hope not.  I am not interested in USA curated boxes.   A bunch of tonymoly crap

I just discovered another use for those cooling creams that are for your legs (global 16 box & another box had the emu leg cooling massage cream).

I hurt my hand last night.  Could hear something "snap" (tendons or something), so I have minor hand pain.  I ran out of my bengay so I figured, hey just try this as it is a cooling product that really numbs up my legs!!  I massaged it into my hand and it has that icy-heat that I love so  much.

I'm sooooo behind, but I can't be bothered to catch up. What did I miss, Ladies? Anything good?

And I'm sure it's been discussed, but I seriously can not stop laughing at the new boxes having comments about no CP2 leftovers. 

How sad that it's reached this point.

Whatever happened to CP4, anyways?  :lol:

And I hope my fellow Memeboxers had a lovely holiday.  :wub:


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