Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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OMG VIP is horrible this month!!!!! I won't bother aiming to keep it from now on, I've been shopping elsewhere since all of the new boxes are sold out by the time I notice them, I'm hoping something will come up this week that I actually want and can buy on Memebox because I do miss those pink mailers haha.

Did someone from the forums win 1st place on the golden ticket?? I got a crappy $3 code, haven't used it yet.

Anniversary boxes did look pretty sad, I didn't manage to buy one in time which is probably a blessing because I've had all the crap boxes recently haha
Oh yeah... and the golden ticket 1st place winner accidentally posted her code in a facebook group (forgot to cover up both spots that it showed) and had her entire tickets worth of points stolen.

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Oh yeah... and the golden ticket 1st place winner accidentally posted her code in a facebook group (forgot to cover up both spots that it showed) and had her entire tickets worth of points stolen.
Nooooo!!! Oh my god, silly/poor woman. How much was first place valued at? $1000???

Nooooo!!! Oh my god, silly/poor woman. How much was first place valued at? $1000???
She didn't realize there was two spots the code showed.  She has posted on here about it and has probably the best attitude about it ever.  I would want to bash people's heads in or something but she was like "well, it was my fault and I should have known."  So super sweet.  

You missed it all! @@Zaralis never leave the forums again! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

She didn't realize there was two spots the code showed.  She has posted on here about it and has probably the best attitude about it ever.  I would want to bash people's heads in or something but she was like "well, it was my fault and I should have known."  So super sweet.  

You missed it all! @@Zaralis never leave the forums again! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Seriously that is the most horrible thing that could possibly happen. I doubt Memebox will do a thing about it, but it really breaks my heart. They should have been MUCH more careful in how they handle giving away that kind of prize. 

I hope everyone who used her code feels like a piece of garbage when their products come in. Either than or I hope all their orders get lost at sea. lol ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

She didn't realize there was two spots the code showed.  She has posted on here about it and has probably the best attitude about it ever.  I would want to bash people's heads in or something but she was like "well, it was my fault and I should have known."  So super sweet.  

You missed it all! @@Zaralis never leave the forums again! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Ohh I feel bad for her, but that's a good attitude to have, what's done is done.

I didn't mean to leave! I just tried to log on one day and the whole forums were just gone, I thought it was a problem on their end but after a few days I thought maybe I had been banned or something but I don't recall doing anything bad hahaha!!

I don't know what happened but I'm glad to be back!

Well, had a look online about the latest collab as I'd never heard of her...,first clip I looked at was this one

Probably not the best collab to use - someone who states she DOES NOT LIKE BUYING COSMETICS ONLINE!!

Um, now given memebox is ALL about online sales and doesnt have a physical store so she can "see and swatch" isn't she being a complete hypocrite linking up with them?

Not fond of her "over the top" vids - just comes over as being a loud annoying American (yes, that typical the bonnet wearing, kilt wearing "Jock" Scottish person ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ).

Memebox, perhaps you should have done your homework a bit before linking up with someone who says she hates buying make-up online and "never, ever" does it!!!

Oh, and this isn't an old vid that was made several years was made in SEPT 2014 so only a couple of months back.

BUSTED memebox...not impressed. Collab with someone that doesn't know a lot or anything about Korean beauty is one thing but collabing with someone who actually states they wouldn't buy products online is just so wrong.

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Glad it's not just me that can't watch her vids. Lol!

Hate when you're on a bus / train and there's one person on the bus shouting at her "friends" (either on the phone / in person), just want to hit the mute button so I can enjoy the rest of the journey is peace! And she's one of those type of people. Thinks being over the top and LOUD makes her, nope...just annoying!

Still no spoilers for empress secrets? Was hoping it would be up by now...

Spoilers from Empress and Cleopatra are being revealed at the moment on Facebook :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Empress is again a five products box. There is one thing in there that I wanted to buy for months! But there is also a recent repeat. Get your act together memebox! Do not put repeats from boxes we literally just got!

Oh my bad, there are even two repeats from recent boxes in Empress, but one of them will probably not bother you guys too much as it is a product many seem to enjoy :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Cleopatra is a bit meh to me. But really, they are quite okay boxes, especially empress, but seriously, they are not curated AT ALL. There is maybe one product that is really related to the theme and some are more that just a stretch.

Last edited by a moderator: final box I'm waiting on and that's Garden of Eden out on the 18th. Have even less faith in that one now and bound to have at least one repeat. After that, I won't be buying any new boxes I don't think until the curation improves...and by a LOT. I'd rather they release one or two boxes a month but make them fantastic - perhaps an all round skincare package or make-up (which includes all the steps necessary to create a certain look perhaps) rather than a hodge-podge of items. I'd even pay a little more if we were guaranteed say 7-8 fab items.

I just wrote out a long rant about my thoughts on memebox featuring bunny (graveyardgirl) and MORE of CPM.

I deleted it. Because it was mean and rambly. 

Let's just say it bothers me that they aren't reaching out to more kbeauty vloggers/bloggers. I hate "celebrity endorsements" when it come to the youtube/blogging world. They feel forced, anything but genuine, and just...pointless. I see where they're coming from in a business sense in regards to Memebox as well as the youtuber (getting their name out is always a good thing) but everything about it just rubs me the wrong way.
you should pm me with your rant! I totally agree with you. I think memebox is punishing us with CPM who obviously doesn't know much about k-beauty. I do not know anything about graveyardgirl except based on the pics I have seen of her and her memes, I am not sure why she is a collaborator.

Because she has 4.1mill followers and is willing to sell them something she won't buy herself?

Tbh I think people need to be more careful endorsing stuff on YouTube due to new rules and the happenings in the last few weeks

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Just WOW. I watched 2 videos and my brain hurts. Why so over dramatic?
This is why I don't really love youtube that much. I like good solid reviews and I totally adore comicbookgirl19 ~ who is funny and beautiful, obviously wears makeup (and well) and if memebox is just randomly picking off youtubers for the hell of it, they might as well pick her (I can see a Game of Thrones or X-men themed box!! woot!) but I dislike these over the top, drama-fulled tuber's, who come off as narcissistic. I am of a different age (older than most here) and this attention seeking, look-at-me behavior is something I am uncomfortable with. Reminds me of a failed acting student who now finds an outlet on the internet, because they won't be able to find a gig as an actor ~ this is not talent here.  This is in general, and not directed to any specific youtuber.   It is a personal preference for me ~ I've never cared for these types in RL, so I am not going to watch them on youtube either.  

I still think Memebox should have picked MakeupbyDamee, who does great K-beauty reviews ~ she has an English and a Korean channel


Why can't I embed a image url or use the youtube stuff anymore? I have to upload a file????

anyway this is comicbookgirl19


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So, just tried the balm stuff (that has the early expiry date) from the Black Friday box which arrived today and it smells lovely!! So much nicer than that shara shara cream lol. Put some on the back if my hand and it melted quickly. Felt initially a bit greasy but has since absorbed in and my hand feels nice and soft so will be using that one before it for the shara shara, think that will be hitting the bin instead.

(Sorry can't put names on as on mobile sitting on a bus into Edinburgh as meeting other half for a belated birthday lunch).

She didn't realize there was two spots the code showed.  She has posted on here about it and has probably the best attitude about it ever.  I would want to bash people's heads in or something but she was like "well, it was my fault and I should have known."  So super sweet.  

You missed it all! @@Zaralis never leave the forums again! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I am intrigued about who might have done this. I'm not in the group on facebook so I don't know what the people are like. There aren't many options for choosing boxes so I'm wondering if 50 people individually stole her code or 1 person did something like order 50 luckyboxes. The latter came to mind because with that much excess product, they could re-sell it on ebay or something for profit.

The greed of people is incredible.

I would not have been sweet about it if it had happened to me. I really wish memebox would do something to investigate or help her out.


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