Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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Hi everyone, I'm new to memebox. So far, I purchased dirty gal + hair salon + black fri 5. also some restocks - little marmaid, apple mojito, my mask box and F/W natural makeup (I bought this one by mistake and prob gonna give it away) .

 Its really great to see spoliers for boxes I haven't purchased, can't wait for empress!

Welcome @@sam356 to the (not so much anymore) Meme Chaos! Things have changed a lot in the last month or so but there's still a great group of Gals here and we love to talk anything Meme. Feel free to chime in. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

For a lot of us things are winding down with no boxes coming past December. When I consider what I've had arriving each month, for several months now, that seems tragic. There are no lists to make, no boxes to track and no spoilers to look forward to. Memebox is changing. For many that started some time ago this doesn't seem like a huge tragedy over all as we're overwhelmed with product and have come to learn what some of our favorite products are. But to the newcomers I feel disappointment that they don't have that weekly rush of new releases and staying up late to see what the latest box(es) will be. I feel fortunate to have enjoyed it, if only for a short time.

On another Meme related note, I go to the grocery tonight for something to unclog my bathroom drain and what is my biggest purchase? Snap Ware glass containers that are on sale and I love for storing my sheet masks in the refrigerator. How sad is it that while shopping for something to unclog my bath drain of my long hair and my husbands whiskers I'm more excited about sheet mask storage? The entire bottom shelf of my refrigerator is full of masks. But I don't have a problem, really I'm all good. Just give me a moment to cleanse and select a mask.....

I will have only received ~15 boxes before the Memedrought begins.  I was going through my stuff last night and I have no idea where I'm going to put the last 4-6 boxes worth of stuff. I'm impressed with you guys with 50+ boxes and what you end up doing with everything! We're currently planning a cross-country move and I'm kicking myself for accumulating so many Korean skincare products.

I think i might have had my first Memepackage get lost in the mail.  My tracking says it got on a plane on November 28th.  

And there have been no updates since o_O  

Surely it doesn't take a plane 18 days to arrive...

I'm going to go to the post office tomorrow and pick up Petite Treasures. After that I'm just waiting for my slow mail Cleanse and Tone to arrive. That's it. Nothing more from memebox on the way. My spreadsheet will be all marked as delivered. Sort of sad. 

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Ok I think I must have done something very naughty because I haven't been able to access the site for about 10 days...

Not only have I been having Memebox withdrawals but I've missed these forums too!!

Anyone willing to do an in-a-nut-shell catch up for me, I've missed a lot of pages :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Ok I think I must have done something very naughty because I haven't been able to access the site for about 10 days...

Not only have I been having Memebox withdrawals but I've missed these forums too!!

Anyone willing to do an in-a-nut-shell catch up for me, I've missed a lot of pages :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Lots of restocks.  No new boxes.  Spoilers for all sorts of stuff.  Anniversary disappointment.  Surprisingly little CPM2. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

OMG VIP is horrible this month!!!!! I won't bother aiming to keep it from now on, I've been shopping elsewhere since all of the new boxes are sold out by the time I notice them, I'm hoping something will come up this week that I actually want and can buy on Memebox because I do miss those pink mailers haha.

Did someone from the forums win 1st place on the golden ticket?? I got a crappy $3 code, haven't used it yet.

Anniversary boxes did look pretty sad, I didn't manage to buy one in time which is probably a blessing because I've had all the crap boxes recently haha

Question! I became an affiliate and I just posted my first blog entry... What exactly is the process for submitting it to them for points?

I think i might have had my first Memepackage get lost in the mail. My tracking says it got on a plane on November 28th.

And there have been no updates since o_O

Surely it doesn't take a plane 18 days to arrive...
Me too. My tea tree box left korea on the 29th and hasn't moved since. I'm not too stressed about it, which I think means I'm not super excited for the box. I figure it'll get here when it gets here.

I just wrote out a long rant about my thoughts on memebox featuring bunny (graveyardgirl) and MORE of CPM.

I deleted it. Because it was mean and rambly. 

Let's just say it bothers me that they aren't reaching out to more kbeauty vloggers/bloggers. I hate "celebrity endorsements" when it come to the youtube/blogging world. They feel forced, anything but genuine, and just...pointless. I see where they're coming from in a business sense in regards to Memebox as well as the youtuber (getting their name out is always a good thing) but everything about it just rubs me the wrong way.


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