So I recently sold a bunch of my excess Memebox stuff, and I'm starting to realize I have even more that I can get rid of. I've been donating stuff, selling stuff, giving stuff away, and the more I look at what I spend on boxes etc, I'm starting to realize that I'm kind of done with the OVER buying of Memeboxes.
I feel like I'm truly starting to find my "holy grail" products, or at least products I prefer to use. Suddenly all the essences in my collection are uniniteresting when my Benton works so well. Why switch to something else when I already found something that works perfectly, you know?
I'd rather spend $30 on some Benton essence and steam cream than on a box that could be filled with crap I don't want. I think I will continue to buy boxes that REALLY intrigue me for review/blogging purposes, but the majority of my money is going to be more carefully spent on product purchases from now on.
Of course, I came to this realization by making a list of all the great stuff Memebox has introduced me to, and my all-time favorite memebox-discoveries. So while I'm cutting back on boxes (and I mean, memebox is too, I guess lol) I still don't regret buying all the boxes I did. I feel like I have a good handle on what works for my skin now, and I've discovered some great smaller brands and have become more well versed in kbeauty thanks to my memeaddiction, haha

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So I'm finally, finally at peace with the lack of Memeboxes being released. It's actually a great thing for me!
(side note, if anyone knows of a place that sells the MilkyDress Pink Lovely shampoo that was in Hair and Body 4, let me know. Even Tester Korea has it up for more money than I can afford, and I'm hoping to find a good price on it. since this is O/T in regards to this thread, PMing me would be great! <3)