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TBH I'm fine with 12 points and a free hydrogel mask as an apology.
I agree. That was a nice solution to the long wait and the missing product. I was just making a joke in regards to how I don't really think they are that Sorry about it... considering how little they care about so many other issues. I did cancel my bundle and somehow ended up with it anyway, well I am absolutely not complaining, just a general observation :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Wonder if they will do something similar with the crappy Petite Treasures with short expiry dates..though reckon even if they do acknowledge that its not great, it'll be a couple of memepoints and "now go away" rather than sending out replacement products.

Trying to get daughter to bed..but she's fighting it..,gah!

I wonder when the VIP emails will go out.

Also haven't had a response about the dried out eyeliner.

It's strange that sometimes they care about expiry dates and sometimes they don't...  When there was a similar issue with the synake essence in OMG2 (expiring in Feb 2015) there was no CS resolution (I don't believe anyone got points for it)

If it had of been one item fair enough but its not and that's just poor IMHO - they knew the items had less than a year to go and yet still sent them out to customers who didnt know (I defo would not have bought the box if I'd have known in advance).

@janeGeorge - she had a wee snooze this afternoon as her granny and grandad were over in the morning so she's not tired now. Thankfully her daddy is sitting with her reading a book so peace has descended for the time being. She'll be back through at 6am tomorrow though wanting to play on my ipad - not before I check here she won't :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> busy weekend as well as she's got ballet on Saturday morning along with her nursery Christmas fayre then a party on Sunday through my husbands work (with Santa etc). Gonna be knackered come Monday!

So, both Dirty Gal and Hair Salon were sweepstake boxes..,wonder if there will be any winners of 3rd, 2nd or 1st prize on here! What do people reckon will be the 2nd / 3rd prizes? One free box (useless at the moment unless you want one of the remaining Devil boxes)...then 10 CPM2 boxes for second prize lol!!

I think that a week after the restocks, will will really be at the same point as a week before. There are only 2 brow boxes left and 73 (!!!) CPM2 boxes left. I almost can't believe that someone is still buying them after all this time.

That is very nice of you to pay it forward. I'm sure they will love the boxes
I always give my mom stuff that I think she will enjoy from my Memeboxes :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Since I don't have a lot of wrinkles right now (just fine lines) I give the anti wrinkle things to her and she loves them! She also has dry skin so the Wine and Cheese box would be great for her because of that cheese cream! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> My older sister pretty much takes anything I don't want because she's addicted to skincare too haha, so I think she'll like the WTF box because it has a nice variety of stuff!

Also I hope no one thinks that I was being selfish or ungrateful when I made that joke about the "sorry" card in the wine and cheese box. It seems like some people got that impression, so I apologize! I only said it because I find it interesting that they are super apologetic about something like this, but can't be bothered to respond in a positive manner in regards to a lot of the other issues people have been having, or the fact that people have repeatedly e-mailed them just looking for some simple response about what's going on with the lack of boxes.

Either way, I am more than grateful that 2 cancelled boxes arrived anyway...granted I don't think it was on purpose as it seems like many of (maybe all?) the people who canceled ended up getting them, but it does make me feel bad for the people that ordered WTF on Black Friday and got a "backordered" email. 

At first, I was bummed about not getting the next best thing in skincare, after seeing the close expiry dates of 3 products. I'm glad I didn't buy it! ^^

oops: I meant 3 products!

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I ordered the next best thing in skincare but haven't received it yet.

Is it true, all the products are near expiry?

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I think the tissues, shara shara cream & serum are 12 months away!

(I'm super slow with using up products!)

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