Well, my box was delivered, but to my BILLING address. Well, guess I'll see it in a few weeks! wth loose button. Icing on the cake is them emailing me about not being able to charge my CC (I changed my billing address to match my shipping one recently) and to let them know why I might not want to continue subscription. WELL 1. I bought the box as a one time charge, so I'm REALLY interested in why they are trying to charge me again .. .and 2. they messed up the shipping address and also made everyone wait 2 months before shipping a nice box, but nothing amazing... So I'll be writing that response shortly because, yep, I'm really annoyed. I have enough samples through companies that are consistent, and after seeing the box.. I'm alright with walking away. Eh, just be cautious everyone who thinks they are not on a subscription. This may not be the case after that email I received.