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Love my box!I didn't have any variations. The day planner is my favorite item! I usually use my Outlook calender but like to keep a day planner too. I save mine and find it fun every now and then to look at what i was up to several years ago. This is the best day planner I've ever seen. It's pretty much what I would have made if I'd designed it myself. Ok... It's better.

I feel the same, especially since I paid a full month in advance but didn't get the fabulous Nov box. It felt like a letdown after reviewing the boxes since August. I was more surprised they included 2 jewelry pieces of the same type in the same box (almost like a matched set but from different companies). For some reason whenever I sub to a box that has looked amazing, as soon as I get my first box it tends to go downhill. Feeling a bit like a sub box jinx! Don't get me wrong, I think the necklace and bracelet are pretty (even though my bracelet won't open and is far too tiny to fit over even my small wrist), I love handmade soap, and enjoy an old school paper planner. I just expected, well, more.

This is my first box, and while the items look nice, I was expecting more than four things. At least compared to their previous boxes.
There's just something so satisfying about physically crossing things off a to do list, that you can't really do via Outlook or any app for that matter. For some reason it makes completing a task feel like a bigger accomplishment.

Love my box!I didn't have any variations. The day planner is my favorite item! I usually use my Outlook calender but like to keep a day planner too. I save mine and find it fun every now and then to look at what i was up to several years ago. This is the best day planner I've ever seen. It's pretty much what I would have made if I'd designed it myself. Ok... It's better.
The January Box theme is Dining Car.  

Edited:  The monthly option is there.  I saw this too:


Little Lace Box™ is curated for women ages 20 to 35, and as much as we would love to appeal to every woman, that just isn’t possible. Our taste is not going to be a match for everyone, but the probability is much higher if you fall into the age range for which we curate.

While I think its good to know this.  I never looked at the boxes as not being for me.  Over 35.  But, perhaps its what I needed to see so save myself some money.  :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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My 51 year old arse has enjoyed their box just fine, thankyouverymuch. 

But of course I still wear Dr Pepper Lip Smackers and have a bottle of Loves Baby Soft sitting right in the middle of my Amouages, By Kilians, Mona D'Orios, Carons and Bruno Acamporas, so maybe it's just me. ;) /emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

[SIZE=10.5pt]I'm sorry.  We didn't mean to make anybody upset with us.  The reality is that we curate based on our taste, and we are all under the age of 26, so it makes sense that we will curate boxes that are not going to be a perfect fit for everyone.  Our biggest complaints come from people outside our target demo of 20 to 35.  We put that info on our site, because we felt it might be necessary to remind people who we are, since we NEVER do spoilers and aside from announcing the theme, we never tell anyone, outside of a handful of people who work with us, what is going to be in the next box.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]LLB was meant to be a surprise you would buy for yourself (which removes spoilers from the equation), and a lot of our subscribers feel like a sister in another state sent them this box.  That's exactly what we wanted it to be like.  In October we picked a tribal print clutch for the holiday season.  We knew we were taking a chance with tribal print, but holiday parties require a statement piece and that is what we picked out.  Our mom, who is 50, hated that clutch, but we all knew it was the right clutch, so we ignored our mom (not the first time that has happened) and kept it in the box.  It was a hit, and our subscriber base doubled in one month (which led to a whole host of other problems like selling out too quickly).  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]We also believe in value vs. "Stuff"  The December box was worth $130 (without the shipping), so we only had four items in this box (four full-size items).  If people are just looking for "stuff" we are not going to be a good fit for them either.  We don't take anyone's comments to be personal attacks on us.  This is business and we understand.  I hope that no one took our "disclaimer" as anything personal.  If so, we are truly sorry.  Losing a customer is something that happens, but hurting people’s feelings is unacceptable, and we are sorry if we did that to anyone.[/SIZE]

 @@Curator@LLB  [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Y'all are doing a FANTASTIC job! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Stick with your vision.  I know you know you can't please everyone and never will.[/SIZE]

This old lady will take two pieces of jewelry over a bunch of trinkety stuff any day. (Even if I am giving it to one of my nieces because I have reached the gloriously gaudy stage of life)

I very much appreciate the fact that you're available to listen to feedback here, thank you! 

Thank you, that is very kind.  We understand we won't make everyone happy.  We just want to make sure we never offend anyone.  We weren't raised like that.  Also, my sister and I worked for The Walt Disney Co. & The Ritz Carlton Co. (now owned by Marriott) and they don't believe in treating people like that either.  Between the way we were raised and the way were were taught by employers, we should know better.  It's inexcusable.  

@Curator@LBB   sweetheart, I hope you don't think I was offended!  I'm Southern too, and I was just poking fun at my old self for still wearing Loves Baby Soft and Dr Pepper Lip Smackers! 

Plus don't you just know you're gonna get all those Southern women Of A Certain Age clamoring to get that 20-35 year old box?   :p /emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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@@JolieFleurs I love that the older I get the wilder I get with clothes and accessories and can get away with it. Or maybe it's just that the older you get the less you care what other people think. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

That being said, I'm wearing both pieces of jewelery from the box today and I'm loving them. They're not peices I would normally pick out for myself, but that's the fun of a box like this.

@Curator@LLB  Well, this GenXer thinks you are doing an awesome job!

@@Curator@LLB account has had their posting abilities restricted. As a reminder, commercial accounts created by company reps or owners are currently not allowed. If you have any questions please use the support link at the bottom of the site to contact @Director.

@JolieFleurs I love that the older I get the wilder I get with clothes and accessories and can get away with it. Or maybe it's just that the older you get the less you care what other people think.  :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
@@MissKris17 right?? With me I think it's both. I grew up very rural in deep Appalachia, so I've always  been conscious of not going too full-on gaudy, which is what we hillbillies tend to do when we get a little bit ahead in life. (Yes, Dolly Rebecca, I am looking right at you) 

Now I could care less what any body thinks, because with age comes wisdom, plus I turned into a magpie when I hit 44. You do NOT want to get between me and my twice-a-year-visit to Charming Charlies is all I'm sayin'. 

@@JolieFleurs I love that the older I get the wilder I get with clothes and accessories and can get away with it. Or maybe it's just that the older you get the less you care what other people think. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

That being said, I'm wearing both pieces of jewelery from the box today and I'm loving them. They're not peices I would normally pick out for myself, but that's the fun of a box like this.

@@Curator@LLB Well, this GenXer thinks you are doing an awesome job!
How on earth did you get the bracelet on? Mine won't open and there is No way it will fit over my hand. Am I missing sometjing? Or should I just Christmas wish for tiny hands? Lol
*whoops. Responded to wrong comment. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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I had no trouble getting the bracelet on. Just push, you ain't gonna break it, it's a wire! [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]I do have smallish hands, but my ring size is 6, so not REALLY small, though. (Wedding band is a 5)[/SIZE]

And it WILL unclasp, but you will most likely have to have help getting it back on. (I didn't but I am a big ol' bracelet ho, so I have had plenty of practice )

Edited to add I was going to give the bracelet to my niece, because I thought it would not be my taste, but I adore it!

Now I have to decide whether to give her the necklace ( which is definitely more suitable for a smooth, wrinkle-and-skin tag free 20-30 year old neck than the 51 year old model I'm sporting these days) or convert it to another bracelet. Because it would stack beeyoootifuly with the bracelet we got. (As well as the shotgun shell end cap bangle I have)

Outstanding box. LOVE!

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