Wanted to share my LLB experience...I dared make an innocuous comment regarding the lace dish with the design on the bottom on MSA, they creeper-style tracked me down, and the following emails were received. Unbelievable! I'm still in shock. I quote, from LLB's email, canceling customers is as easy as "scraping mud off my shoes." I loved them until this crazy rude exchange:
Hi Browning,
This was sent to me to handle. My kids call me the Darth Vader of subscription boxes, because I hate when people are uncivil in their communication with us. I cancel people like that every week, and it’s as easy as scrapping mud off my shoes. We live in a civil society and I’ve taught my children to act in a civil manner, and I expect nothing less from a customer. There are 157 million women in the US, canceling the rude ones still leaves plenty of good people. Why would anyone think that they can pay $45 for a subscription box, and that somehow gives them the right to deride people on a personal level. I completely understand if you don’t like the contents of a box, or you don’t like the girls taste. You have the right to express your opinion, but taking it to a personal level goes beyond the pale.
What if we posted a page on our site called the Britt McHenry award, and we awarded it to you this month? Do you know who McHenry is, she’s a vile human being, and although we aren’t a huge business, we get 60,000 visitors a month to our site. They would all see your name and we would explain why you won this month. Would you be embarrassed? How would it make you feel? When you say, “LLB is covering up something.” That isn’t just expressing your displeasure with our product (again, you have the right to do that), it’s an indicting comment against the very character of our company, and it is completely untrue. But you said it anyway. Is this a cry for attention or help? Actually I don’t care either way. I guess your comment, “my bad” is your way of saying you’re sorry for making untrue statements about our company.
From: Little Lace Box [mailto:
[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 5:20 PM
To: 'Kevin Bryan'
Subject: FW: MSA
From: Browning Clark [mailto

Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2015 2:34 PM
To: The Curator from LLB
Subject: Re: MSA
Hi there! As an artisan myself, I just found it hard to believe that the artist would put the design on the outside, leaving the exposed area of the tray completely design-free. So I assumed she had a helper or something that misunderstood the instructions and pressed the basket weave into the wrong side of the clay. And then their needed to be an explanation for the 2 versions and I didn't really get what you were saying about the ancient olive jar and how that explained the design on 2 different sides. I didn't think you were trying to cheat anyone...I was thinking the artist was pulling your leg. But, someone commented that both versions were for sale on your website and sure enough, they are. My bad. Like I also said in my comments, I still love LLB.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 25, 2015, at 4:53 AM, The Curator from LLB <
[email protected]> wrote:
Do you really believe we are covering something up? Are those your comments on MSA? We are concerned when one of our subscribers believes we are trying to cheat them. Please help us understand what is going on here, so we can get it resolved.
Thank you