Let's Talk: Trouble Spots

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I see all of your pictures and do not see any of the flaws you claim you have, you are all gorgeous and unique. That is what makes your faces so fascinating, they tell a story. Perhaps that's what you don't like. I could write a book on every little feature of mine that is out of place. My ethnicity and coloring don't match, I am an Alaskan Native so my cheek bones are more like plates, my eyes are small and slanted, but I have golden coloring. My saving grace is that I know nobody can be compared to me and I'm alright with that.

My eyes. Not only can I not see out of them and have to wear glasses, but I have a bubble eye, so it looks like I have permanent undereye bags when I don't. The only thing that helps is too make sure they don't get to dark, so I use a lot of concealer and eye creams.

Originally Posted by StereoXGirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif Also, I'm so pale that if I ever have any sort of pimple or slight discoloration of any sort, it's incredibly visible. That's definitely the downside of being so pale! lol. That and people teasing you...but that's another story. lol! I have the same problem. My skin is so pale you can see the blue capillaries around my eyes so I always use concealer under my eyes, on the sides, and over the whole lid. I wouldn't say my skin is a bad feature because it's actually very healthy and I seem to have gotten my breakouts under control but because my skin is pale it takes on different color hues in different areas. I don't feel comfortable in public unless everything is covered and equalized with concealer, foundation, and powder.
Oily skin and pores...but mostly the oil because it's easier to see from a distance...grrr!!! But I've heard oily skinned people get less wrinkles so maybe my biggest complaint is nothing to complain about!

Originally Posted by BeautifullyMADE /img/forum/go_quote.gif What would you say is not your best looking feature? or your impefections? Do you solve your problems with MU?
My non-best looking feature would have to be my totally not hot mustache.
I hate it when I don't wear MU. Concealer, bronzer, or something has to be on my top lip if nothing else to hide the "stache". lol It's not like it's a full blown mustache or anything, but it's just very very dark on my top lip. I've used lightening creams after lightening creams and all they did was irritate the heck out of me!

I use Studio Finish Concealer by MAC to hide my trouble spot. It works pretty good. Just when my face starts to sweat it starts looking kinda orangish above my lip. Not cute.

Have you tried to wax it? I would say go with the wax instead of the creams.

Originally Posted by realmccoy /img/forum/go_quote.gif I see all of your pictures and do not see any of the flaws you claim you have, you are all gorgeous and unique. That is what makes your faces so fascinating, they tell a story. Perhaps that's what you don't like. I could write a book on every little feature of mine that is out of place. My ethnicity and coloring don't match, I am an Alaskan Native so my cheek bones are more like plates, my eyes are small and slanted, but I have golden coloring. My saving grace is that I know nobody can be compared to me and I'm alright with that. from what I see you are very beautiful.
I would have to say my eyebrows. They are so annoying. I have to pluck them practically everyday. I always have those stupid stubborn black hairs that I can never get out, and I hate it. I don't know why they keep coming back. Maybe I'm not getting all the hair out. I don't know. I can't stand it =[


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