Layering long hair forums

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May 24, 2006
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I need some help please.

I am growing my curly hair long, one length.

I like the bottom 3-4 inches layered to stop my hair from looking like a triangle, and hang nice when I straighten it.

Plus it is a lot more manageble if I leave it curly.

Does anyone know how I can layer the bottom 3-4 inches without having to go to a salon.

My last cut by a stylist was a disaster so I don't want to go back and I can't afford to go to an expensive salon.

Thanks everyone.

You can search for tutorials on how to layer long hair on youtube Carolyn, i saw some really good ones there, id post but i need to go make supper LOL!

is your hair cut to one length allready cuase if it is than it will be super easy to do at home. all you do is part your hair from ear to ear and down the center so 4 parts. than you take a piece from infront of the ears about 1/2 inch on each side of the part and snip about 1/2 inch off that piece

than you take your hair and pull it straight up (90 degrees from your head) and cut to the length of the guide. If you the hair does not reach the guide dont cut it.

i hope that makes sense if you need a more indepth explination please let me know

Thanks guys. I do have some layering at the back. But the stylist cut my hair shorter in front, removing the layering. GRRRR....

I can only let that hair grow out and snip off any split ends as it grows.

That's ok. I'm just growing to grow out that area. By the fall it should look ok again.

Lesson learned - do not go to el cheapo salons unless you know the stylists are good.

I have done this way from the For Dummies web site. It creates a much bigger section of layers than what you want though, but maybe something in the article will still make sense to you. I cut some new layers into my hair a few days ago. After doing the technique from the site I had been trimming straight across on the bottom, and my hair was just about all one length again. This time I split my hair down the middle, held the section on my right at a 60 or so degree angle from my neck and straight out in the middle of the right section, then cut the hair straight up about 2 inches from the end. Then I did it to the left too. I know this may not make much sense the way I am describing it, and it's too late for me to take pictures to show you what I mean in steps. If I had a web site that showed what I was saying I would link to it. I have curly hair as well, and I find that some layers really do make a difference in my hair. There is a book by Lorraine Massey about curly hair that mentions cutting curly hair when it is dry, but I forget at what point in the curl you want to make the cut. You could trim a bit and look in the mirror, trim and look, etc. until you have what you want. It will take a lot longer, but imo is the safest route to go.


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