Just a tip to make your eyelashes full and long.

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I'm wanting to try the aloe thing. I wonder if you snip the tips, how long till they may or may not grow? Just curious.

Originally Posted by kwitter I'm wanting to try the aloe thing. I wonder if you snip the tips, how long till they may or may not grow? Just curious. Hmmm I don't know...usually they snip off the end of the lashes when they were a tot.
lol, that's neat, but i doubt i would cut mine either. i'll just stick to my faithful mascara.

My Mom cut my lashes when I was a kid to make them grow longer. Good ol' filipina parents. She also shaved my head when I was a baby so my hair would grow in thicker. I do have long lashes, but my hair isn't exactly thick so I don't know how well those things work

Originally Posted by pj03079 Hi

When I was 8 years old I snipped my lashes about half off and it took forever for them to grow back to the same length. This is not a good idea. JMHO


That would be my guess! lol! But the Aloe sounds like an awesome idea! I will have to try it! I need all the lash I can get girl! lol!

my mother-in-law cuts my daughter's and my nephews eyelashes when they were babies and it does grows longer and thicker

That sounds interesting. I will give the aleo vera ago and let you know what happens. I am no way going to cut my lashes but....lol.

What is it they say older and wiser.

great tips!

my cousin snipped her daughter's lashes when she was a baby and they grew like you wouldn't believe!

My mom snipped my lashes when I was a kid, but they're not that long even now. Maybe I'll try snipping the very very tips again and see what happens. Thank you for the Aloe tip though!

when two of my kitties where babies the boy chewed off the girl's wiskers while playing. They grew back super-long and thick, and now she looks like a tiger

How funny about the kittens, Ella! They *do* play w/everything when they're small...

I dont think you need to get an aloe vera plant to try this! They do sell 100% natural aloe at the stores too lol. Thats what I have and I got it from the drugstore. Im going to try it on my lashes.

I try anything on my lashes. About a year ago I had maybe 10 lashes left on each eye. I grew them back with Talika, it took a few months, and I still use Talika and castor oil everyday, and my lashes are still not what they used to be, but they are full and strong again. Not close to as long though.

I've never used Aloe on my lashes, but I'm sure because of its beneficial health properties, it would do no harm. May soften them.

My sister once went to a party where she met a guy, he had the most beautiful, full, lush, Longest lashes ever!

When asked how he had such awesome eye lashes, he laughed and said "I was drunk at a party and my friends shaved my head, eyebrows, and cut off my eye lashs, while I was past out!! When they grew in, they just wouldn't stop growing!"

A few days later, my sister does them same thing. She actually cut off all her lashs! I couldn't believe it, and her bf was a bit annoyed, but sure enough in 2 weeks they all had come back, fully, and they are longer.

She has trimmed them a few times since, allowing them to grow out again more.

She looked odd for 2 weeks, but she did it at the start of summer, so no one had to see.

No lie, as odd as it sounds, it does work.

Not only for your eyelashes but, your eyebrows, inner-nose, toes, legs and arms. Ever notice that if you tweeze or shave somewhere , it seems you will have to continue doing it forever, theres more hair, or it gets longer faster, or its darker.....


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