Just a rant

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Feb 18, 2007
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I have curly thick hair. It looks different each time I wash it, it's so unpredictable. I hate that every time I use a conditioner i've never used before, my hair looks fabulous and feels great..but if I use the same one more than once it loses that completely. And I cant rotate, because it still doesnt look as good as that first shampoo. I guess im just ranting, I hate unpredictable hair! It looks so good right now because I used a conditioner i've never used before. It's been like this for years so im not asking for recommendations, just venting! I wish I could just buy about thousands of bottles and always use a new one! haha! wouldn't that be nice.

Ohyea and I put baking soda in my hair to get rid of the residue of the old stuff and that doesnt help any better.

i have somewhat of the same problem i have thick kinky hair my hair will be straight one day and out of control the next most days it does this annoying curl at the end it drives me crazy i have the hardest time finding stuff that helps with frizz but herbal essence and pantene frizz cream seems to do the best right now have u tried getting like a couple of cheap shampoos and rotating every few days but get enough so u only use the same one once of twice i dont know if that would help but thats what i do and it seems to be working my hair doesnt get to dry with the same one

Hm...maybe try a clarifying shampoo? Hope you find something that works!

tried both of your suggestions, i actually have about 30 bottles in the bathroom..and ill go back to one i havent used in like 2 weeks and it still wont do much for me! poo!

thanks though!

I agree. I use something once and its fabulous and the next time it just doesnt work.

do u have frizz hair ? dry hair ? i wasnt sure what u mean by unpredictable but my hair will frizz one day and with the same shampoo look totally good the next my hair has moods of its own 30 bottles haha sounds like me im an shampoo addict have u tried high end shampoo ?

hellomindy, You must be like my long lost twin-sister. I can't believe I found someone else who has hair that behaves exactly like mine! My hair does everything yours does -- looks different every time I wash it (sometimes my curls are really tight/kinky or sometimes they loosened) and when I use a new shampoo, they act perfect. But rotating doesn't work for me either. ITs been like this for me, too, for years. I hope we can find how to manage our curls!!

I'm starting a LJ comm called 'loveyourcurls' where users can post all their curly hair tips. Maybe if anyone ever joins, we might get some tips on our unruly hair.

I have fine hair and it does the same kinda thing.. its really annoying


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