I want big ****s

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Sep 1, 2006
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Seriously girsl is there anything out there does realy work to increase breast size currently i'm breastfeeding but i have to look for something to use when i stop casue by then my breasts will look like little empty socks
not onlu saggu but small too

Did anyone heard of bustup Gum?

You can have some of mine.....I wish it were that easy!!!

I have no advice. I am actually trying to get rid of mine. I'd like to drop at least 1 cup size. You might consider chest exercises to keep them from gravitating towards the floor. The muscle that supports them might hold them up, but I could be wrong...

sorry kiddo, the ONLY think that woks is surgery, people can tell u this pill that cream that ect, but only surgery. But, I do agree w/ the girls get a nice push-up cup/padded bra, even one w/ a little pocket so u can put in a little silicon pad, the work great! Best of luck to you!

If those creams worked, everyone would have giant ****s! Just like if all those all those "male enhancement" products worked, all the guys would have... well you know

Sorry, but I don't think there's a whole lot you can do! Exercises to build up your chest muscles can help a tiny bit, because you are building up the muscles under your ****s, but otherwise I think surgery is the only option!

I've nursed 2 kids who are now 16 & 12 and nothing made my ****s physically change for the better after all these years. Except they look great w/a push up bra from Victoria's Secret. So there you have my secret. Until I take it off LOL LOL

treat yourself and get breast implants i did after i had my son just find a good surgeon even if it cost more they have new ones that look and feel real

there is nothing that can help with it but the surgery and for me personally I wouldn't go for that becuase you never know what kind of consequences there will be.

Originally Posted by girl_geek /img/forum/go_quote.gif If those creams worked, everyone would have giant ****s! Just like if all those all those "male enhancement" products worked, all the guys would have... well you know

Sorry, but I don't think there's a whole lot you can do! Exercises to build up your chest muscles can help a tiny bit, because you are building up the muscles under your ****s, but otherwise I think surgery is the only option!

EXACTLY! LMAO....sadly it's true. If there were something out there that worked....well you know!
You know they also sell the inserts, if you feel a great push up is just not enough, you can buy the gel type inserts too.

As for the empty sock description....that was a great discription of what happens after babies suck the life out of ya....got a great chuckle (luckily, I have something left, but I was ok to begin with....so those little buggers didn't take them all away - he he he)!

Well, at least you lost some breast volume for a good cause. But I agree with the others, there are excellent bras out there, and surgery is another (expensive) option.

Your best answer is...... Pec muscle exercises and estrogen levels !! And I can tell U (as a Mammographer) they all sag as we get older even with inplants.

i think only a good padded bra, or surgery will help. oh exercise too, to get them standing high.

Don't fall for any of the pills that claim to increase breast size. You can use a padded bra like someone mentioned. But if you want something that isn't false advertising, you'd have to probably go with a breast augmentation. Here are some common FAQs on breast augmentation. I found it an interesting read and learned a bit. May be interesting for you as well. 

While I definitely encourage working out in general, if you have a large amount of breast tissue (read that as fat) or sagging skin, working out will only cure a bit of the problem.  The pectoral muscle is located beneath all the mass that we call "****".  If your bust is really small and perky, this could work.  But in general, a padded bra, lift or implants will be the only major option for helping this.  Listen to others...don't waste your time and money on creams.  As another lady said "If it worked, every woman would have huge and perky breasts".


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