I didn't think it was genetic because my family have always looked younger than their age, but I was talking to mum today and she said she had white strands when she was my age (but she had me when she was younger than my age, so stress? lol).
I'm not on any medication, but I used to take herbal supplements and they helped dramatically. I haven't taken them in a while as money is really tight now... but I have been sick for the past two months so I haven't been eating properly for a long time.
I've been researching and it deffinitely seems like stress (or some disorder which I do not want). I'm majorly stressed out at the moment, I constantly feel like my stomach is in knots and my chest is closing in.
I'm struggling with school, had a fire and burnt down most of the kitchen, I have a protection order against a guy who isn't taking it seriously, and freaking out about other things. So, I am now trying to calm myself, listen to music and do things I enjoy... and remembering to breathe.
I don't want white hair, at least not patches of it! If it is genetic, then there isn't much I can do, otherwise, I'll just keep telling myself everything is okay and eat properly, drink plenty of water, and sleep!
I was freaking out when I started this thread, but I've calmed down now
thanks everyone for helping me rest my head a bit!