I chemically straightened my hair

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Mar 16, 2006
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With Kadus Strate-It and it's amazing stuff widely used in this country and ppl rave about it all the time

I'm going for a haircut and dye on Monday
any recs r welcome

Did you do this by yourself or at the salon? Be careful dying it after chemically straightning because both those things together dry out your hair.

Yeah - I would definitely go easy w/ the color. Especially so soon after straightening. It's hard to tell because your hair is so dark, but it looks good from here

If I were you I would wait a couple of more weeks until you dye your hair because you could damage it.

Honestly, IMHO, I would hold off still on the coloring. I only speak from personal experience. I used to color my hair as well as relax it, and I've pretty much ruined my hair. It's getting healthier now, but only because I quit coloring it. I used to color it two weeks after my touch-ups, and it just created havoc on my hair. It became drier, frizzier, and harder to manage. Not to mention, it also quit growing and because WAY more porous than it ever was.

Now, that's all IMHO. Should you decide to color it anyway, it sounds like you've picked a lovely color. I didn't see pics either, so I'm not sure how it looks now
But you definitely made a smart move by cutting after straightening... I didn't do that once, and talk about what looked like lop-sided layers *lol* Congrats on the hair sweetie, and I'm sure it'll look great when you're done w/ the cut & color!

your pic didn't show up, but speaking as someone who chemically straightened their hair for years, you really want to wait at least a week or two before coloring. to much chemical processing at one time could leave you bald! be careful!

Question for any one who has had their hair straightened the Japanese method. Can you perm your hair to be curly once you've gone Japan Straight???

Originally Posted by Veeroo28 Question for any one who has had their hair straightened the Japanese method. Can you perm your hair to be curly once you've gone Japan Straight??? How long of a time has passed since the straightening?

Welcome to MakeupTalk btw!!
I'm Janelle, from NY. Nice to meet you!


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