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- Step 1: Begin with wet hair and make sure that your bangs are parted evenly. Having an uneven line will draw your eyes away to your part.
- Step 2: Prep hair with a light-hold styling product to thicken and control the hair. Next, take a small- to medium-sized round brush like this Acca Kappa Nylon Brush and curl it under your bangs at the roots. Make sure you have a good grip so that there is tension between your hair and the brush. Then, point the blow dryer down so that the hair shaft dries smoothly. Begin at the roots and work your way down to the ends.
- Step 3: When you are just about finished, hold the brush in place for 20 seconds or until the hair is cool. Gently pull the brush away and hair should still be curled in place. Finish by spraying bangs with a light mist of hairspray. Voila, you are runway ready!