I am an experienced esthetician and I remove vellous hair with a process called dermaplaning. Dermaplaning is a "shaving of sort" but it is done with a surgical blade and is only to be done by an experienced and specially trained professional medical esthetician, Physicians Assistant, Registered Nurse, or a Physician. It is not something you can do yourself. Vellous hair grows back in exactly as it was. It takes from 4-6 weeks for you to notice that it's back. We have two types of hair on our body. Vellous hair which grows on the face, chest and back. It's downy and soft and very visible when the light hits it. Terminal hair, is the kind of hair that grows on our head, arms, legs, eyebrows, pubic area and on the lower half of mens faces. Because terminal hair is coarser, when it is shaven, it will have a blunt edge to it, and therefore appears to be coarser when it grows in. The NoNo is a very mild form of lasar hair removal. From my experience, most clients are regretful with their purchase and never 100% satisfied because with most, the hair will grow back. I don't support Nair or any other type of chemical depilatory. In my experience the chemical hair removers are usually too strong and irritate the skin and doesn't remoce the hair. The only real gaurantee is laser hair removal. However, it does take several treatments (ranging from 6-10 sessions) and is very costly. Even with laser hair emoval, I have encountered the situation where it does not remove 100% of hair. Sometimes there are a few hairs that grow back in. So if you're considering make sure you go to a reputable facility. The best way to find a good place is to get a referral from someone who has good results, and can recommend from a good experience. Hope this information helps. ~ Experienced pro