How to remove a perm? forums

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Jan 12, 2007
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Ok. I got a perm about 3 months ago and now i want it out. I was told to use another perm treatment and just comb it out and not use the rollers. Does anyone know if this works or have a better solution?
yes you can do that it's called a reverse perm.. i had it done befor but i went to a salon she use a conditioning perm solution from the matrix biolage line and my hair wasnt damage at all..

i jus combed mine out it still was a little wavy after but not that bad and i didnt have any frizz or breakage

Well i ended up doing the reverse perm myself and it worked great. No more curls! And it didn't leave my hair dry or brittle either.

The only way to truly rid your hair of a perm is to grow it out or cut it off. Adding more perm solution and combing it straight is just overprocessing the hair. The damage may not ppresent itself for a while, but it will definitely show up. Make sure to do a lot of moisturizing deep treatments to keep your hair as healthy as possible while it grows out.
using another perm and combing the hair instead of using the rods DOES work... i know tons of stylist.. like myself who have used this successfully.. the key is to use a perm that has a conditioning step.. so good luck


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