i love box perms, although i'd only recommend two! i've had horrible salon experiences so i've done my own hair for about 7 years now or more. i like dark and lovely naturally texturizer if you want a wavy, kinky style and soft and beautiful if you want a straight style. dark and lovely was one of those men's curl/wave products many years ago and i liked it because it was pretty gentle. my hair is pretty soft so i didn't need a full strength product and this was before kiddee perms. everything i'm telling you should be in whatever product you choose but this is the process i follow:
you'll need:
2 towels, vaseline, afro comb, perm applicator, plastic gloves & a good girlfriend to help if you can get one, especially if your hair i long! lol~
1. don't stratch your head for at least 36hrs before your treatment!!!!!
2. i vaseline all around my hair line paying special attention to my ears and behind my ears.
3. the product i use has a pre-treat cream i use to coat the hair i don't want to perm - i use it just before i perm each section.
4. section my hair in 4th with duck bill clips
5. set your timer for the time indicated for your hair type
6. pick a section - should be the section most in need and apply pre treat. using perm applicator apply to new growth only and avoid putting product directly on scalp. use applicator end or rat tail comb to section hair and continue to apply product to each sub-section.
7. work fast and clean and don't allow product to remain on hair longer than necessary, because even a mild product can burn if left on too long.
8. i never work the product through because i like my hair to be a bit kinky, but if you want straight hair this is probably a good idea. be super careful around your hairline. i would apply any product there last.
9. rinse product completely from hair and follow with a neutralizing shampoo. most box perm neutralizers are color activated. i wash my hair at least twice and keep washing until the lather is white.
10. deep condition with product provided, plus my own paste i created.
11. rinse completely and style as usual.
12. THROW AWAY ANY UNUSED PRODUCT. Better to buy a fresh kit the next time you need a touch up!
again, let me say this is MY process. there's no guarantee that it will work for you. everyone is different so i can't stress enough for you to be careful! good luck and let me know what you decide to do!