How old were you? forums

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i was 20 just a week shy of 21, just celebrated my 9 yr anniversary in aug and very happy
marriage is not a walk in the park it take s a lot of work but well worth it!!

I got married almost 2 and a half years ago at 21 and we are still together. My hubby is 5-6 years my senior, so I think it helps to bring a bit of matuirty to the relationship

I got married when i was 18..... 3 months b/f i graduated. we will celebrate our 9 yr. anniversery this next march! We were together for 5 years b/f that. we both moved here in the eighth grade and have never left each others side. I love him soo much! Now we have a 2 1/2 son and i couldnt ask for more.... maybe a little girl! lol!!!!!!

I'm 38 and still not married even though I've been with my SO since age 20. There are a lots of reasons we haven't married. We are not religious, family problems, he was in college until age 25 then it took him a long time to get a permanent job. I sometimes wonder how things might have been different if I'd married my previous bf. I'd probably have grown-up kids by now, like some of my friends.

I don't think age matters as long as you're sure you're marrying the right person. Age doesn't always bring wisdom and certainly doesn't give you the ability to predict the future. My friend got married at 20 and had 4 kids right away, one after the other. She is very happy and is now looking to get herself a career.

I was 17. It will be 6 years in November. We were together 2 years before we got married. I will beat the crap out of my daughter if she tries to get married so young.

I got married when I was 20 and my hubby was 26, we've been married 8 years now.

I got married when I was 23 and we're still going strong after four years...and we've been together for seven years.

Though, a lot of my friends are just getting married now and hardly any have kids.

Originally Posted by Somegirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif I was 17. It will be 6 years in November. We were together 2 years before we got married. I will beat the crap out of my daughter if she tries to get married so young. lmao! my mom got married at 16 and is sooo against me getting married soon! i'm 20.
I met my husband in July and we were married in October. I was 17 and he was 21, that was almost 23 yrs ago. Our anniversary is on the 17th... woo hoo

you all say dont get married young.

first of all when you say young do you mean teens or early twenties. and second question WHY? just curious..

Originally Posted by DizzyCow /img/forum/go_quote.gif you all say dont get married young.first of all when you say young do you mean teens or early twenties. and second question WHY? just curious..

who's all?
Originally Posted by DizzyCow /img/forum/go_quote.gif ok not all but most. or people in general its all i ever hear. dont marry young Maybe because it can be hard work and the people who say this maybe wish they had married a bit later and lived crazy for a while longer. Did that make sense? LOL
We got hitched when I was 29, he was 31. He has been married before, though we were high school sweeties before he did that lol. We have an 8 month old bub and our anniversary is on the 8th!

I married when I was 23. Now am 32 and still with the same wonderful guy. We dated for 3.5 years before we got married. We have a lot of people who get married much younger but it is usually the preg situation. Though I don't think that is a reason to marry.

22...and divorced by 26! (He was 33 and had been married once - if only I had consulted with his ex-wife before I made THAT mistake)

well, in my community, when the girl hits her puberty, 2-3 yrs later she should get married!Same thing happened to my mum, n sis.Both got married at the age of 17...N me?Nahhhhh i was too rebellious again young marriages, I wanted to do my degree and now im going on 26..which my mum feels its kinda late not getiting hitched yet plus no girls in my family history has gotten unattached till this age..lolz!

Well, I told her, the right time will come when the right person comes..

Originally Posted by Lelenn /img/forum/go_quote.gif I just hope I'm married with children before 30. How old are you now?

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