While reading, I noticed a couple references to the use of zinc. With regard to that, you just want to be careful to not use too much.
I know there were issues of high levels of zinc found in denture creams and high levels of zinc were linked to neurologic issues. Too much zinc purges your body of copper which isn't good. I don't know how much zinc would be needed in order to battle the ever-so-frustrating acne problems suffered by many (myself included), but just wanted to put this out there so people using zinc can investigate if they feel the need to and be better prepared with information.
I've been battling acne since the age of 12. I just turned a very happy 40. I've used so many stinkin products. The best one I have found for my skin is proactiv, but even that just helps reduce the breakouts, doesn't completely eliminate them.
Twice a week, I do a baking soda scrub (just baking soda with water). It helps exfoliate and does a little more than proactiv alone to help the battle of the acne. I think I might try the suggestion of an egg white with honey and lemon juice. Can't hurt.