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Oct 18, 2009
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Hey! Well i am sure i screwed up pretty bad but here

i go with my short story lol well a couple of months

back (pleae don't fall asleep,lol) my boyfriends sister

did my hair, i got a bleach thing that came like regular

hair dye it was called something like..Extreme Bleach

or something like that and well i went from having

Black hair to having Blond and brown tones in my

hair..i still have the pictures lol and after that

about an hour or so later she said if i was gonna

do the color, because if not i would have to wait

until she could do it which was about 2 days or

the end of the week and well i freaked and said

let's do it now (having not bleached before) and

not thinking of my hair, i went and did it..not only

did it sting like hell lol, my hair suffered a great

amount of damage i am sure, my hair falls out like

crazy, though the thing the doesn't have me totally

freaking out is that i remember something that my

doc told me once, if you can see short hairs on the

front (on the forehead area) your hair is growing, but

i just think i am shedding way too much hair and i want

to know if there is any way i could fix that and get back

to having healthier less mistreated hair...

(my hair freaks out at the site of getting washed)

what i mean is it gets all weird and kinda rough,

please if you know of anything that could help!

(my hair and i beg you) i also forgot to mention

that i have eczema (i have very oily/greasy hair and complexion)

it sounds like you need a deep conditioner! ASAP!

you can buy hair treatments in little sachets at most pharmacies. I'd follow the directions, and if not mentioned, wrap my head in a warm towel to ensure that the product really sinks in.

Even if your hair is normally greasy, over-bleaching really dries out the hair

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif it sounds like you need a deep conditioner! ASAP!
you can buy hair treatments in little sachets at most pharmacies. I'd follow the directions, and if not mentioned, wrap my head in a warm towel to ensure that the product really sinks in.

Even if your hair is normally greasy, over-bleaching really dries out the hair

There are so many things out there!
but thank you for the tip!

How do i go about getting a warm towel?

also, i am latina and over here they mention

a product/treatment called queratina

(not sure on the name spelling, lol)

and i think it's like a hair mask kind

of treatment though it's kinda expensive

so i didn't really put much attention into

it, but there is this other thing called

Baba de Caracol and they sell it almost

anywhere here, but i was at the flea market

about a month ago and i saw a little kit, maybe

that's what you meant by sachet lol and it had

different things in it and there where various

types of kits for the different hair issues but

i didn't know which i should pick because my hair

is just eep! and i keep writing these long paragraphs lol

what I mean by sachet is, a one-quantity packet. It's not a whole bottle, it's a small foil packet that only has enough to use once (or twice).

I can't help you with the brands you mentioned, as i've never heard of them before.

You are able to get a warm towel by sticking it into the dryer for a short period of time, by ironing it, or by hanging it over a radiator.

Oh, Kool..I guess i would have to iron it lol

my "fave" thing in the world hahahahahaha

i think i know what you mean, i think i have

something like that, i will take a picture .-.

here is one of the Baba de Caracol Products


lol no a sachet looks like this


ignore all the writing on it, that's a face mask.

i LOVE aussie 3 minute miracle reconstructor conditioner, which you can get in sachets or bottles. but i don't know if it will be strong enough, you might need something a little more specific for colour damaged hair.

i was just about to show you something hehe..

here is the one i had laying around lol i don't know

where the other one went lmao i might have used it.

[long time ago though, haha i can't ever remember.]


I just went from really dark brown to platinum in 3 days a couple of months ago and my hair is pretty fried as well. I've just been using a LOT of conditioning treatments that I bought at Sally's Beauty Supply and trying not to wash my hair more then every couple of days. Condition your hair as much as possible and try to stay away from the blow dryer and other styling tools, eventually your hair will get it's strength back but it will take awhile.

I wish i had taken 3 days lol i did bleach and color all in the same day,

you tips sound good and i appreciate them i just don't know if conditioning

a lot is a good thing for me since i have oily hair and complexion with eczema,

also i am not a bit blow dryer girl lol i use and whatever not but not often

and as for other tools like curlers and such..i just don't use them and i don't

own them lol .-. that's probably why..and if i had them i might be a bit lazy

about using them hahaha and i hope it get's its strength back soon cause

all this hair loss if freaking me out lol..i don't wanna end up bald or something.

How is your hair doing these days? Any better?

I went through something similar a few years ago and I lost a lot of hair due to breakage after chemical processes. I did "Aphogee" protein treatments to rebuild the hair shaft, followed immediately with a deep moisturizer.

Sounds great, can you get that done for your self at home or do you have to go to a salon?
Heat up some Jojaba oil in the microwave for a few seonds then comb through your hair and cap it. Leave it on for 15 20 minutes. I hope this helps.

Ooh, Thanks..never heard of this remedy before..

where can i get jojaba? ( or is it jojoba?)

oops..It is jojoba sorry about can order it online..and at some natural food stores

Kool, Thanks! Though i am a bit afraid of jojoba since

well my mom was one to say that was not recommended

i mean for like using in general, she would freak if a shampoo

or anything of that sort had jojoba in it lol...

Jojoba oil is ok but coconut oil, olive oil or advocado oil all penetrate the hair shaft nicely.

Apply to your dry hair, leave on at least 20 minutes (as long as you can).

Shampoo out, then deep condition.

After, use a styling product with silicon (or serum) to give your hair nice shine - will therefore look healthier.

even if you have 'oily hair', since you've stressed your hair with bleaching/coloring, it needs a remedy of moisture.

to keep your scalp from being over oily, focus putting your moisturizing conditioner on the ends of your hair only (where the hair strands are weakest).

gentle combing and styling and using a sulfate free shampoo are also things you can do to decrease any further damage on your hair. good luck!


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