Hilary Bo-Bilary, Banafana Fofilary...

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Nov 6, 2005
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Discuss about the Mrs. Clinton here.

You know the drill... why/why not, etcetera.

I don't have anything negative to say about her, but I also don't have anything positive either.

As I've mentioned before though, I'm not looking to be ruled by a 2 family dynasty for 26 years

Bush sr 1986 - 1988

Bush sr 1988 - 1992

Clinton 1992 - 1996

Clinton 1996 - 2000

Bush jr 2000 - 2004

Bush jr 2004 - 2008

Clinton 2008 - 2012

I really think she's the most experienced and qualified of the Democratic candidates, BUT...she doesn't inspire me the way Obama does. So...I'm still undecided who I will vote for in the primary.

Originally Posted by Kathy /img/forum/go_quote.gif I really think she's the most experienced and qualified of the Democratic candidates, BUT...she doesn't inspire me the way Obama does. So...I'm still undecided who I will vote for in the primary. yeah I agree.

Obama is inspiring? I listen to him talk and it's all fluff. Yeah he's talking, but I have yet to hear him say anything substantial with conviction.

Originally Posted by colormeup /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I don't have anything negative to say about her, but I also don't have anything positive either.
As I've mentioned before though, I'm not looking to be ruled by a 2 family dynasty for 26 years

Bush sr 1986 - 1988

Bush sr 1988 - 1992

Clinton 1992 - 1996

Clinton 1996 - 2000

Bush jr 2000 - 2004

Bush jr 2004 - 2008

Clinton 2008 - 2012

Bush Sr 1986-88?I think he was VP 81-89

Blah. Hillary. She tries to change her true identity and opinion to sound appealing to the masses. Something about her. I can't identify the real Hillary.

Originally Posted by winnie38 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Blah. Hillary. She tries to change her true identity and opinion to sound appealing to the masses. Something about her. I can't identify the real Hillary. I agree. Hillary just needs to go find a corner and sit down somewhere.

Disclaimer: Just my personal opinion, not meant to reflect on those who are pro-Hillary.

I do think she is the most qualified to be the president. Personally, I trust her a whole lot more because Bill is her hubby, and he was a good president. You KNOW she will be getting advice from him. She is a smart lady, and doesn't seem like the kind of person that will f*ck us over a la Bush, or sit back and take sh*t from countries trying to screw around. A lot of older women find her very appealing, and I do as well. It really is not because she is a woman, but because I think she is capable.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. We KNOW a lot of African-Americans will vote for Obama, just because they can relate on the race thing, and a lot of women will vote for Hillary because she is a woman. I think this race may be a bit more skewed than others have been, because I think more people will be tempted to vote based on unimportant sh*t like gender or race, instead of the belief that the candidate will really be the best in office.

Originally Posted by Kathy /img/forum/go_quote.gif I really think she's the most experienced and qualified of the Democratic candidates, BUT...she doesn't inspire me the way Obama does. So...I'm still undecided who I will vote for in the primary. I'm not gonna even try to say it better, I feel exactly the same way you do.
I sometimes feel like I should just fill in "None of the Above" at times. Bill Clinton was just riding the economic windfall from Ronald Reagan when he essentially stopped the Cold War with USSR. Imagine not having to build weapons because there is no one else who can stop us. Bush Sr. showed that in the 1991 Iraq War when the US Army which was the 23rd largest Army in the world stopped the 6th largest army with less than 100 hours of ground combat. So we cancelled a bunch of weapons and look.....we have a bunch of money available just in time for Bill to take advantage of.

It takes about 8-10 years for the trickle down effect of having raising money for the government in taxes to be felt by everyone from large industries to the common man. If Obama raised taxes on the first day of the administration. First it has to be collected, which takes a year. Then spent on the programs Congress likes, so we adjust, then we later feel the pinch later when someone else is taking advantage of the money I lost when taxed.

So by the time they leave office, we get the effects...

I am sure a woman can be president, just not her. Obama is young, but good presidents like Teddy Roosevelt and JFK was young too. On the other hand, people are hoping Hillary will bring back the heady 1990's feel back with the democrats controling the Congress.

I truly believe Hilary is a robot and never cooked a hot meal in her entire life.

But I like something about that woman. I'm really curious how all this will end up.

I'm voting for Hillary. Out of all the Democrats I think she is by far the best candidate.

1.) She has the most experience.

2.) She's ready to end the war.

3.) She wants to spend 50 billion on research for alternate sources of energy.

4.) She wants to provide a $3500 college tax credit and increase the Pell Grant.

5.) Health care that travels with you from job to job or even if you lose your job you keep it.

6.) Insurance companies cannot discriminate or deny you because of preexisting conditions.

Those are just some of the reasons I'm in support of her.

I like Obama, but like someone else said, he's talks a lot of fluff. I think he's a great speaker and has the ability to inspire, but at the end of the day I don't think he can deliver.

I'm with you! Health Care in this country is seriously messed up. She came up with a plan to try and fix it when her husband was elected President and she was shot down. Now, it's ten times more messed up than it was then and noone seems to want to take on the insurance companies or the pharmaceuticals. We're the only industrialized country in the world without some form of universal healthcare.

Hillary is by far the most polarizing candidate out there, of either party. and that's exactly what we DON'T need right now. I'm fine with having a woman as president, but I just don't think Hillary should be that woman. She's not strong in her beliefs. She voted for use of military force in Iraq, but now says she would have voted differently "if we knew then what we know now." Pshh, what does that tell you about her convictions? How do we know that she wouldn't lead us into a different war? She might just lead us into war, and then say "Well, actually that was a bad decision. I wish I could've known what would happen because of it." How's that supposed to make up for years of suffering and terror?

Also, universal health care is not that great. Have you ever been in a country that has it? I was, and let me tell you, it takes HOURS to get a doctor's visit. The hospitals are crowded and the doctors and nurses get paid crap.

Universal health care is something that sounds great, but in reality doesn't work all that well.

Originally Posted by kjc1993 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hillary is by far the most polarizing candidate out there, of either party. and that's exactly what we DON'T need right now. I'm fine with having a woman as president, but I just don't think Hillary should be that woman. She's not strong in her beliefs. She voted for use of military force in Iraq, but now says she would have voted differently "if we knew then what we know now." Pshh, what does that tell you about her convictions? How do we know that she wouldn't lead us into a different war? She might just lead us into war, and then say "Well, actually that was a bad decision. I wish I could've known what would happen because of it." How's that supposed to make up for years of suffering and terror?
Also, universal health care is not that great. Have you ever been in a country that has it? I was, and let me tell you, it takes HOURS to get a doctor's visit. The hospitals are crowded and the doctors and nurses get paid crap.

Universal health care is something that sounds great, but in reality doesn't work all that well.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a candidate admitting they made the wrong choice. For me, it would be great to hear Bush admit he was wrong and take the steps to correct his wrong choice. Instead he refuses to admit his mistakes and keeps digging us in deeper.

Did you live in a country with universal health care or just visit? Just wondering. Those I've talked to have a different story, but I think waiting hours is better than not being insured at all.

I am fortunate to have health care and I wouldn't mind giving that up and waiting in line several hours as long as everyone can get health care.
