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Originally Posted by kjc1993 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

She voted for use of military force in Iraq, but now says she would have voted differently "if we knew then what we know now." Pshh, what does that tell you about her convictions? How do we know that she wouldn't lead us into a different war? She might just lead us into war, and then say "Well, actually that was a bad decision. I wish I could've known what would happen because of it." How's that supposed to make up for years of suffering and terror?

Exactly my thoughts also. She is a true politician that will tell you whatever you would like to hear, even do a fake cry over it to better her positioning.

Originally Posted by kjc1993 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Also, universal health care is not that great. Have you ever been in a country that has it? I was, and let me tell you, it takes HOURS to get a doctor's visit. The hospitals are crowded and the doctors and nurses get paid crap.Universal health care is something that sounds great, but in reality doesn't work all that well.

Yep, you better believe it. It's awful. People who think we will have a TRUE universal health care with a new president are in lala land. Do you realize how much money the drug and medical industries have? We will never see it in our lifetime. Here is a great debate on that subject
Plus, we do have it already, sort of. For the illegals aliens and people who choose to be on welfare in some states. I know in CA we do.

Originally Posted by hilarious /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don't think there's anything wrong with a candidate admitting they made the wrong choice. For me, it would be great to hear Bush admit he was wrong and take the steps to correct his wrong choice. Instead he refuses to admit his mistakes and keeps digging us in deeper.
Did you live in a country with universal health care or just visit? Just wondering. Those I've talked to have a different story, but I think waiting hours is better than not being insured at all.

I am fortunate to have health care and I wouldn't mind giving that up and waiting in line several hours as long as everyone can get health care.

I think that admitting that they made they wrong choice is a sign of weakness. Sure, it's nice to know that they feel bad about what they did, but they can't change the past. That sort of thing dissuades people from voting for them. Politicians need to stick with their beliefs if they want any support from the people.

And I really hate how some people are voting for Hillary just because she is a woman. It's like voting for Obama because he's black or young. Like having a black guy/woman as a president would really be different from having an old white guy. That just shows how uneducated American voters really are.

I actually lived in a country with universal health care for a year and a half. I experienced the health care problems many times. Pretty much all of my family and tons of my friends live in that country right now. They are very, very unhappy with the health care system. And at the moment, I also live about 15 minutes away from Canada, and many of my Canadian friends hate their health care system and wish they could do something about it. I haven't met a single person who likes their universal health care system.

I have health care also, and honestly, I wouldn't want to give it up because I'm not the only one who would have to wait for hours. Everyone would, even the people who need treatment the most. And again, the doctors would have some of the worst salaries in the country. That definitely wouldn't encourage more youth to become doctors, and doctors are pretty valuable. In some countries with universal health care, doctors just end up having to leave the whole country because they don't get enough money to support their families.

When I lived in CA, I was in a condo not far from the hospital. And because I lived close to the hospital, many of the people living on govt assistance was living in my complex. All paid for by the govt. Some are nice people. Some aren't. The bad people you can't get rid of because the government pays for their housing,food,and medical. So why should they move??? Some smoke pot..Some even make crank in their house. The landowners won't get evict them for their criminal ways because CA pays for the rent.

Originally Posted by kjc1993 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I actually lived in a country with universal health care for a year and a half. I experienced the health care problems many times. Pretty much all of my family and tons of my friends live in that country right now. They are very, very unhappy with the health care system. And at the moment, I also live about 15 minutes away from Canada, and many of my Canadian friends hate their health care system and wish they could do something about it. I haven't met a single person who likes their universal health care system. I live in Canada and I'm pretty happy with our health care system.
Originally Posted by Solimar /img/forum/go_quote.gif We KNOW a lot of African-Americans will vote for Obama, just because they can relate on the race thing
Here's where I vehemently disagree. And besides, he is also "half-white".

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) /img/forum/go_quote.gif Exactly my thoughts also. She is a true politician that will tell you whatever you would like to hear, even do a fake cry over it to better her positioning. Yep! I hear that Tony. I do not appreciate crocodile tears. She's got balls to stand up in front of Congress to try to sell her wonky ideas, but yet she can cry in front of an almost all-female audience (gee, I wonder why the men weren't invited) about somebody making fun of her hairdo???!!!??

Originally Posted by Tony Yep, you better believe it. It's awful. People who think we will have a TRUE universal health care with a new president are in lala land. Do you realize how much money the drug and medical industries have? We will never see it in our lifetime. Here is a great debate on that subject
Plus, we do have it already, sort of. For the illegals aliens and people who choose to be on welfare in some states. I know in CA we do.

I don't think our system would thrive with *universal health care*, not without completely dismantling the way medical care is sought and given, and not without federalizing insurance and drug companies, both of which would be kind of, um, not like America. I think, though, it is a shame to see children who do not have that kind of protection. Let able-bodied adults fend for themselves, an American child needs good health care, and I think that's where one of the first disparities in life starts. It's definitely not an easy solution.
Half-white, okay. I don't know much about the guy. But I think that it's weird to think that women won't wont for a woman, and people of a minority race won't vote for someone of that same race. It is absolutely bound to happen, and happens ALL the time...not just in elections. It turns into something about who you can relate more to on superficial levels rather than real levels. I mean, do I care if we have an African-American or an Indian-American as president? No, I don't...but a lot of people do. Do I care that a woman could be president? Not really, but a lot of people do. There are going to be people who vote for reasons like that no matter what and no matter how you look at it. I guess anyone can disagree, but it is going to happen with Obama and with Hillary.

Are men going to vote for Hillary, yes. Are white people or Indian-American people going to vote for Obama? Yes. But are there going to be those people who vote based on the things I mentioned above? Without a doubt.

Solimar you are unfortunately correct. Some who dont take the time to educate themselves about the platforms of the candidates will choose based on who they can relate to the most. I know this as a fact b/c I just had a conversation with 2 women about the same thing. They both told me they didnt care and they WOULD vote for Hilary b/c they want to see a female president. That is their reason which is not reason enough but it will happen with more than just these two individuals.

It's funny, I was just in DC a few minutes ago, and spoke to three people at a Starbucks about the same thing -- and they were like yeah, we are voting for Hillary because it'll be awesome to have a female president. I have spoken to two older women who want to have a female president before they die, so they already made up their mind. It's so lame that people can be willing to vote based on something that is arbitrary.

Originally Posted by Solimar /img/forum/go_quote.gif It's funny, I was just in DC a few minutes ago, and spoke to three people at a Starbucks about the same thing -- and they were like yeah, we are voting for Hillary because it'll be awesome to have a female president. I have spoken to two older women who want to have a female president before they die, so they already made up their mind. It's so lame that people can be willing to vote based on something that is arbitrary. That's the unfortunate side of democracy. The public not being educated enough to vote for their new leaders.I'm supporting Hillary because I believe that she is the most qualified for the job, not because she is a woman. Too bad I'm not a citizen so I can not vote.

Either way I want a democrat to win, it's time for a change.

Yeah, I would like to see a democrat to win for a change.

Tough choice is who... Obamalamadingdong or Hellary?

Originally Posted by CellyCell /img/forum/go_quote.gif Yeah, I would like to see a democrat to win for a change.
Tough choice is who... Obamalamadingdong or Hellary?

Either choice is fine with me..it`d be interesting to see if Obama carries out everything he talks about.haha..I`d like to see Hillary for pres. with Obama as her VP. After the whole bashing each other thing, I`m sure that`s gonna happen, right?

I will vote for whoever can accurately read the teleprompter. George Bush certainly can't!

I really like Hillary. She gets so much sh**, but I think she is a well educated woman that is the only candidate with white house experience and good international connections. Why do so many people hate her? Someone please give me a legitimate reason WHY they do NOT like her?

Originally Posted by love2482 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I really like Hillary. She gets so much sh**, but I think she is a well educated woman that is the only candidate with white house experience and good international connections. Why do so many people hate her? Someone please give me a legitimate reason WHY they do NOT like her? Truthfully?? I think it's because of exactly what you said. She's a strong, well educated woman. But..part of the problem is also her husband. He couldn't keep it in his pants and she put up with it. Personally, I like her too. I watched the debate last night and she is smart as hell. But...I just don't know that she can win the presidency. She's too polarizing. Too many people wouldn't vote for her because of who her husband is. And I thought it was interesting that he wasn't even there last night at the debate. Chelsea was, but not Bill. We'll see what happens in Texas and Ohio on March 4. I think those 2 states will be the deciding factor.
Originally Posted by love2482 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I really like Hillary. She gets so much sh**, but I think she is a well educated woman that is the only candidate with white house experience and good international connections. Why do so many people hate her? Someone please give me a legitimate reason WHY they do NOT like her? Aside from disagreeing with her views (I'm a registered Republican), I think generally people don't like her because of her personality. She comes across as cold and impersonal and calculating, imo. A lot of people think she didn't leave her husband when he cheated simply because it might hurt her future political career. People aren't going to like her if they can't relate to her. Obama is more personable, hence, more people like him.
With an African-American versus woman presidential hopeful, try being an African-American woman in this hot mess. All of my African-American friends are voting for Obama and when I tell them I'm voting for Clinton, they say, "We've got to change your mind!"

I can relate to Clinton; she's a ballsy lady like me. And she can take a punch. I think she's smart, thoughtful, efficient and a hard worker. She's not exactly a show pony, but I like the way she carries herself nonetheless.

She gets so much crap for not "baking cookies" and being the "happy homemaker." Some of us don't fit that image as women (I've been married for six years). I also like the fact that she's not too liberal; she has a conservative streak.
