I am tired of my hair and I have never dyed/Did highlights to it. So I am wondering, if you had darkbrown hair would it go well with blonde highlights? Which tone of blonde would dark brown go with?
Or if it's not the best highlight idea, what other colors should I highlight with my darkbrown hair if you don't suggest blonde?
a golden/dark tone blonde...definately not a platinum blonde. are you doing the box or are you gonna go to a salon? it might be best to go to a salon so they can help you pick a color, if you can afford it.
I wouldnt do blonde right away. Ease yourself into highlights. Blonde may be too drastict for you at first. I would do honey-caramel color highlights. You will be able to tell that they are there but it will settle. For the summer, you could do blonde
i would suggest a more caramel color, it really depends on your style, if you like bronzer and tan makeup i would suggest caramel. but if you are going for a more edgy look than i do think the platinum would work, i just don't know how damaging it would be to your hair.
Most definately to add contrast. Just don't go with a golden yellow color blonde because i think that can look tacky. Try looking at pics online and take it to a stylist
I had a client that had dark brown hair who also wanted highlights. since her hair was a darker brown we agreed that caramel highlights would look best on her. If you lighten your hair for more than 4 shades lighter than your natural color it can be very damaging, so I used either a volume 2 or volume 3 developer.. (I forget which one because it was a while ago).. anyway in the end it looked really natural. and this is your first time getting color so I suggest something natural (like caramel colored) ..afterwards if you want to do anything more drastic you can always go lighter.