Help me please i need someone to talk to about spongey damaged hair.. forums

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Nov 26, 2006
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my hair is so damaged i bleached it on thursday and then on friday and on fridaynight i did a hot oil treatment n then today i did a mayo masque around 7 in the mornin n then a FRIZZ EASE MASK around 12 noon n then used k pac like an hour ago and my hair is still spongy im so scared im crying i dont know what to do i need to talk to some one who has gone threw this please help, i dont want to lose my hair i regret ever doing it please anyone with the same or close experience help... if you have msn please private mesage me..i just need someone to talk too:scared:

You definitely shouldn't have bleached it two nights in a row! Bleach isn't something to mess with, and it can cause breakage or hair loss... I've experienced this, and it wasn't pleasant! I whole-heartedly recommend going to a hair salon (which you probably should've done to begin with). They'll know what's best for your hair given its condition since they'll be able to see and feel it. I wish you luck!

Yes, I'd go to a salon and see if maybe they can add a filler over it or a semi-perm. darker color to add pigment and a little more strength to it. They are probably going to reccommend a trim or cut depending on how damaged it is. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I just wrote this under another thread. Years ago I permed my coloured hair.

The solution stayed on too long. As a result, my hair was gummy when wet and brittle dry when curly. I couldn't comb through my hair or lots would break off.

I waited for 6 wks until 1-2 inches grew. I had no choice but to cut it pixie short.

Maybe the conditioners of today work miracles. Back then, nothing helped my hair.

I did this to my hair recently. I have been using V05 protien treatments and i put a darker color over it which really helped. I also have the cera repair pro treatments. Just keep babying your hair, and it will get better.

I also damaged my hair real bad by bleacing my hair then perming over it :eek: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. Was not told that it would make my hair gummy when wet and brittle dry when dry. It was so damaged. I went to another hair stylist that I knew and she deep condtioned my hair twice. It helped a little and over time which it has been about 6 weeks now it has gotten better. I did cut my hair just above my shoulders, I refuse to cut it shorter. I am just waiting now for my hair to grow out. I am going to try mane 'n tail shampoo and condtioner. It is cheap and has no silicones in it which I have learnt can further damage your hair. Silicones will though mask your damage but will also make it very brittle. I know how you feel but give it some time and will look better until it grows out. I can't wait til I have my healthy hair back. I am not even coloring it and I am showing a little grey but oh well I am going to suffer through it I guess. Just keep on condtioning and very little heat to none and only comb it when wet never brush. Just BABY it!

nutrogena conditioner therappy thingy the one in the tan tub with the three little diamonds leave it on for like twenty minutes with a warm towel on your head it works mirracles.

If your hair is as damaged as you've described, I think the only thing that will really help is to cut off the damaged parts.

really all you can do is keep on constantly w/ the treatments and serums, but all that is going to do is keep your hair from getting worse. the only way to get your original state of hair back, is to cut it and let it grow back out. if your hair color isnt satisfactory then get color deposits @ like sallys or somewhere, they no have chemicals in them, they just deposit color back in the hair w/o damaging it more.

i fried my hair about 8 months ago and literally the state and feel of my hair has not changed whatsoever, i keep trimming , so eventually it will be healthy again. GOOD LUCK

Just wanted to say that if you cut it really short make sure that is what you really want! Cause once you cut that is it you will have to live with it that way for a long time! It depends if you want to deal with your damage hair or not! You can always wear it up so it can get a break from styling once in awhile. While it is still spngy while wet though I don't suggest to style it at all except combing it and condtioning it cause you will cause alot of breakage if you try to blw dry it in this stage! If you take care of it it will not be as spongy after awhile. Mine is not as spongy anymore! I am also taking hair vitiamins and it seems to be helping my hair growth. I normally have a high growth rate anyway but it seems to be helping it a little more! Good Luck to you!


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