Have You Cancelled?

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So, I just canceled. I was going to stay subscribed but then I really thought aobut it and decided I can take 10 dollars and buy something I really want...or save it. I have too many samples piling up and they will never get used. 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

did they pay for you to send it back? 

they must have realized that was awful customer service.
They told me to just write "return to sender" on it in Sharpie and drop it in a mail box. I assume that it got back to them ok :/

I too am canceling, I was thinking about staying because they mentioned more makeup next month and maybe another brush. It seemed promising but thinking about it more, I probably wouldn't like the "makeup" they picked (it's not going to be like December's bag) and the brush seems appealing but I can buy a really good one for $10. So I'm saving this $10 for when Glossybox opens up subscriptions. 

I've decided to cancel as well. I have seen subtle improvements, but this subscription at least at this time is not for me. Like others I signed up because of the January bag. I understand that some months will be hit and miss. My first bag had the sheer cover which was way too light for my skin tone. I could have sold it or traded it but the point of purchasing a sample bag or box is to at least be able to sample the product even if I don't like it.

It seemed the survey that we took when we first signed up was pointless though I know they said they are working on improving that.

The following month we had drugstore skin care products (one that made me break out and irritated my skin) and this month a couple small samples that we could have easily gotten for free that are of little use to me. I don't have a problem with drugstore products, in fact I enjoy for example using Neutrogena and Revlon but I prefer a company that introduces me to new and higher end items. The brush is decent but the fact that it smells makes me hesistant to use it. I have no use and I'm not comfortable using the xout product or the premiere because of breakouts. I don't think it was myglam's fault about the label but it doesn't make their company look good.

Shipping has improved, but they are still having issues. It's a bunch of little things which add up and become bigger issues and imo reflect negatively on the company as a whole. They have some tough competition since sample services are all the rage these days, and I personally feel there are better companies with better products and less issues. If I see significant improvement in the products and quality etc then I may consider rejoining. I still believe this company has potential but for now I'm going to spend my $10 somewhere else.

I cancelled after I got my February bag. I know MyGlam is a new business, and I will cut them some slack, but I don't have to be their customer while they work out their issues. I will definitely consider re-joining in the future if their products and their service become better. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Besides, I think MyGlam knew full well that their first month's bag was fabulous, and they did it on purpose to lure in clients. So they can't be surprised if people aren't happy when the months that followed have not lived up to the first month.

Just my two cents. 

Also it's my first post lol. Been lurking for a while. :)

I also recently cancelled, even prior to receiving my bag, which came today. Whereas last month, I found some of their issues and drama to be somewhat endearing and entertaining, I just found it annoying this month. I also noticed (as some mentioned on another thread) that the sizes of the "OR" products varied greatly. I received the 3Lab, and found it humorous that the bottle clearly was labeled as a "BeautyFix" pick. Ha. Maybe we should all be going over there if that's the type of products that are offered.

Anyway, I debated whether to stick it out ANOTHER month, but what put the nail in the coffin was the fact that I was really excited about my Sample Society box this month, really excited about getting a Birchbox invite this week, and not so excited about anything to do with MyGlam. I know there was a rumor that Michelle Phan posted about next month being all makeup, but for me, I could care less. Sure, I'd like a little more makeup variety, but if their idea of makeup is sparkly, roll-on, bright green eyeshadow/body glitter, I'll look elsewhere. I am a professional in my late 20s; I really don't have much use for that. I wasn't a subscriber under the pretense of a ton of makeup anyhow.

In addition, I feel that I can't really trust the hype MyGlam makes in their posts about upcoming bags. I realize it is their job to get people excited, however, I feel that they get everyone so excited to a point that people become more disappointed than they may have originally been. Every month it is, "Omg this bag is going to be AWESOME! We guarantee YOU. WILL. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!" and then somehow, some aspect is a tremendous let down. Now, as it seems most girls have received their bags by now, they're not addressing everyone's disappointment but are onto hyping up next month by saying, "We PROMISE if you stick around, next month will be amazing!" Uh, haven't we heard this before? In saying this, the "community" has somehow become their biggest supporters and their worst nightmares.

In terms of the foil packets they gave out this month, I am not disappointed by those, nor do I completely blame the company for that. If they had poured those products into a small bottle instead of a foil packet, would people be more forgiving? I think so, just because the packaging isn't as disappointing. In the customers' defense though, we all know we can get some of those packets for free at Sephora, Ulta, and many other beauty-related retailers. Where is the value in that?

I would be willing and excited to try MyGlam again in the future, but for now, I want to spend my money elsewhere. Even if they someone put out a December-like bag next month, I won't regret my decision to unsubscribe. Right now, it just seems like too much of a gamble as to whether I feel my $10 was put to good use and I'm willing to place my bets on a more organized, more reliable company.

Originally Posted by sky595 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

In terms of the foil packets they gave out this month, I am not disappointed by those, nor do I completely blame the company for that. If they had poured those products into a small bottle instead of a foil packet, would people be more forgiving? I think so, just because the packaging isn't as disappointing. In the customers' defense though, we all know we can get some of those packets for free at Sephora, Ulta, and many other beauty-related retailers. Where is the value in that?
You know, you might be right; I have no qualms in admitting that if something is in packaging OTHER than a foil packette, even if it's the same amount, my PERCEIVED value of it is higher.

I finally cancelled. It was the smell from this months bag that put me over the edge. I hope I dont regret this next month but based on how things went this month maybe I will still get a bag for April anyway!

I cancelled after just one bag (February).   I have no regrets!  After subbing to Birchbox and receiving high end samples in every box for four months in a row, I know that it is possible for a company to offer better samples than MyGlam, for the $10/month price.  I was actually put off before I even got my February bag because I felt like one of the Youtube videos posted by an ambassador (or whatever they're called) was extremely misleading.  I'm used to Beautyfix, which has been pretty good to me the past few years.  I'm actually overrun with full size/high end creams and cosmetics because of Beautyfix. . but I just can't stop! Even though I don't regret ending my sub to MG, I decided to look at their website to see if there have been any improvements from last month (like the addition of "how to" videos that were promised at the beginning).  Anyway, I was surprised by the pictures of the "samples" they claim you will get in your first bag.  They all appear full size - they should show pictures of the tiny little pouches people actually receive.  I know it's not my problem any more, but I feel bad for people who place their order and open their bag to find a few teeny one use sample pouches inside.  I get more samples than that on a visit to the mall. . . for free.  

Oh, about the 3Lab . . that's interesting!  I've been a BF subscriber since it started, maybe 3 years ago.  That cleansing foam was one of the very first offerings.  I actually love it and have picked it in several boxes since (it works so great with my Clarisonic).  But it does seem that an abundance of those foams were ordered, because I've seen so many other BF products disappear, but that 3Lab foam is a constant.  Why would MG offer a product from a competing sub service!?  Bizarre.  Oh, and BF also offered the Purlisse (full size) about 3 years ago (FWIW, Vaseline did a better job of moisturizing my lips than Purlisse).  

Originally Posted by Sadejane /img/forum/go_quote.gif

 I was actually put off before I even got my February bag because I felt like one of the Youtube videos posted by an ambassador (or whatever they're called) was extremely misleading.
Are you thinking of their Stylists (Beth, Andrea, Jessica, Promise or Michelle)? The Ambassadors are not the Stylists.

As for the products being misleading... I find that true with ALL companies which is why in several of my unboxing videos I've used a ruler or a coin to compare some of the products. I REALLY hate pictures on websites because sometimes the item looks so much larger than it really is. Even Birchbox, which I LOVE, tends to be misleading at times. Look at the Kate Spade perfume sample, on the website it says those getting Birchbox #4 are getting the kate spade new york Twirl - 3.4 fl oz which is not true at all. The REAL side that people got was not 3.4 fl oz but rather a vial size of approximately 0.05 fl oz. I wish companies would be more honest but that's the nature of companies to get people to buy their products.

I have the yearly subscription, so I'll keep you posted on how it goes till the end of the year :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Right now I would resubscribe but who knows for the future

I must be a weirdo because I like MG. I've found products I actually use in every bag. My February bag has a slight smell but that went away not long after I opened it and I haven't experienced it again.

I love getting the brushes. It seems I use them more than my other brushes these days. No customer service problems or shipping problems thus far. If I get into Glossybox I'll likely drop BB instead of MG but we shall see. Might have to drop them both with that hefty $21 price tag.I would be more sad to see MG go than BB.

Originally Posted by princess2010 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I must be a weirdo because I like MG. I've found products I actually use in every bag. My February bag has a slight smell but that went away not long after I opened it and I haven't experienced it again.

I love getting the brushes. It seems I use them more than my other brushes these days. No customer service problems or shipping problems thus far. If I get into Glossybox I'll likely drop BB instead of MG but we shall see. Might have to drop them both with that hefty $21 price tag.I would be more sad to see MG go than BB.
I like MG too.. Minus the march bag I've been happier with MG than Birchbox, but I do like Birchboxes point system. I'll be dropping Julep for Glossybox. I'm super excited for Glossybox!!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by mszJessica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I like MG too.. Minus the march bag I've been happier with MG than Birchbox, but I do like Birchboxes point system. I'll be dropping Julep for Glossybox. I'm super excited for Glossybox!!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
        I've only been with birchbox for a couple of months, but they're very good so far. I was with Myglam since February and, to me, the contents of the

bags got consistently... well, bad, imo! I actually loved the mask they sent in February; March was awful, with its teency foil samples; April was just okay. I already had the urban decay eyeliner they had sent me, but I was fine with receiving an extra.

        I never, ever had any problems with shipping. My bag was always on time. I think that was a plus because I've heard many others complain about the issues MG has had in the past with shipping mishaps.

        With all the other subscription services, MG just didn't measure up for me. Some people might say, "Well, what do you expect for just $10?" And my answer would be-- a little competitiveness. They are a growing company, after all, and I'm sure they are aware that other subscription services exist. For just $10/month, MyGlam offers at least one full size item (maybe), the occasional makeup brush (which I actually loved) and some foil packets. For the same price, other subscription services offer at least 2-4 deluxe samples. If I can walk into any Sephora and get a wide range of foil packet samples for free and then buy a lipstick that suits my complexion for under $10 (elsewhere! Not at Sephora. lol), what's my incentive for sticking with myglam?

         I really do hope that in the future they start to pay attention to the beauty surveys in order to better connect with their clientele. Totally rooting for them. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

I received my second bag last week and I wasn't terribly impressed. I plan to stick it out another month and probably cancel after that unless they send something particularly spectacular. I also just joined Sample Society and Test Tube so we'll see how BB and MG stack up compared to those. 


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