Have You Cancelled?

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I'm on the fence leaning toward cancelling. I think the main thing for me is that the products are just not suited to my taste. I haven't had any personal problems with the company, but there are a few things about My Glam that make me feel a little cautious about sticking with them. I DO think they are heading on an up-swing in terms of the company, the products are still a bit iffy for me.

I'll probably cancel after next month. Its like a car accident that you can't look away from.

I just cancelled my subscription. It was too many problems so far. First I was told that I'm going to receive January bag, I was really waiting for it, just to find out that it will never happen. Then I was told that I am going to receive refund (never happened), last I was waiting for something "extra" in February bag. There was nothing. And I was expecting products more like in December bag (I thing it was just a lure) range, but so far nothing like that taken place.

I canceled.

That nume coupon was just the most ridiculous thing I have ever received. A sketchy website that lists a fake price slashed out with a lower price so the customer thinks they're saving money by paying $70 bucks for a flat iron.I practically have to pay the people at the dead sea stands at the mall to NOT give me samples. Even the nyx craft glitter might technically have a value but it's worth zilch now because it's in my garbage can.

This will be my first month. I am not impressed with what I've seen so far. I haven't even gotten my bag yet. If I am not more impressed by March's bag, they are definitely cut off.

I came THIS close, but I decided to wait until we get March's bag...this one sucks, but I might be able to excuse one crappy bag if next month's is good.  If not, it's cancelled the moment I get my bag next month.

Originally Posted by oOliveColored /img/forum/go_quote.gifI practically have to pay the people at the dead sea stands at the mall to NOT give me samples. 
Oh my gosh, haha!! I didnt put two and two together until now. I knew I remember seeing the Dead Sea logo somewhere! They are just as bad as those people wanting to curl/straighten my hair. 

I have not yet cancelled. Im giving them one more month to redeem themselves. I think they deserve it after they listened to customer feedback from Jan and changed their shipping provider and started shipping east coast bags first. But if I get another ****** bag, goodbye. 

I do think it is extremely funny how their facebook posts always turn into cat fights and crazy amounts of complaining. 

I'm sticking with it for one more month.  I've not had any shipping or missing items issues with them yet, I've just been disappointed with the contents of the bag versus what was advertised (I signed up in early January), with the "Glammie" culture and the MG people and the Youtube Gurus fawning fakely over the merchandise and showing off pictures of the office just sort of rubbing salt in that wound. 

March's bag better not be just an improvement, it better not be just okay.  It needs to WOW me. 

I am going to remain with MG because so far, I have been able to use every product that they send me and I like the bags. Personally, I'm not too concerned about brand names or who the retailer is as long as the products work for me. And for the most part, I've been able to put them to good use.  Part of the reason why I signed up was for makeup but also because it's fun to get something in the mail.

As for my experience with MG, I've personally never had a problem with shipping or my account.  Yes, they have taken a while to answer my emails (anywhere from 3-7 days), but I imagine they have a tiny staff and my concerns weren't high priority problems. But they have always replied back to me.

I changed my mind, and I did cancel, after all.  Just a combination of a very disappointing bag and pretty appalling customer service, and I'd rather spend my money trying out some of the new competitors.

I am gonna stick around for another couple of months, even though I am not sure if I can cancel my year subscription and have them refund partial money. I was awed by the December bag and went ahead for year subscription at the beginning of January, now I am regretting.

Originally Posted by yoru /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am gonna stick around for another couple of months, even though I am not sure if I can cancel my year subscription and have them refund partial money. I was awed by the December bag and went ahead for year subscription at the beginning of January, now I am regretting.

if you bought the year, you are in for a year, unfortunately. 

This is from their terms: "If you cancel, you may use your subscription until the end of your then-current subscription term; your subscription will not be renewed after your then-current term expires. However, you will not be eligible for a prorated refund of any portion of the subscription fee paid for the then-current subscription period."

I got this for my 14 year old daughter, my first bag was the February bag, I was not impressed at all and my daughter dint like anything in it she also said it was cheap crap, so I will give it one more,  month,.  If its going to e the same cheap stuff next month I am canceling.... I cant believe the comments on the Facebook page about how great the stuff was this month...

I just cancelled mine.  I thought this service had more to do with makeup samples and I keep seeing more and more skin care stuff.  I didn't even get a nyx shimmer in mine, not that im completely disappointed..I wasn't exactly looking forward to it.  And the $100 coupon is a joke right?  Myglam, I am dissapoint!

I'm going to give them one more month. I'll likely take on a second birchbox or beauty army in it's place. 

I canceled mine but my daughter has kept hers, for now at least.   So if next month is great she will have to share

That seems so weird to me, almost unlawful. They are jerks. If their service didn't suck...they wouldn't have to worry about having that clause. 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

if you bought the year, you are in for a year, unfortunately. 

This is from their terms: "If you cancel, you may use your subscription until the end of your then-current subscription term; your subscription will not be renewed after your then-current term expires. However, you will not be eligible for a prorated refund of any portion of the subscription fee paid for the then-current subscription period."

Originally Posted by WarPaint1739 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That seems so weird to me, almost unlawful. They are jerks. If their service didn't suck...they wouldn't have to worry about having that clause. 

Its the same thing with birchbox though. If you buy a year, you have a year subscription, and you can't cancel and get part of your money back. 

Could you have the address the subscription is sent to changed?

Maybe gift the rest of your year subscription to a friend as a gift?
