Have You Cancelled?

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Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Its the same thing with birchbox though. If you buy a year, you have a year subscription, and you can't cancel and get part of your money back. 

Seriously? I didn't know that!

Originally Posted by WarPaint1739 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Seriously? I didn't know that!

Yup, from the birchbox faq:  " Yearly subscribers are not eligible to cancel their subscription."

Thanks for the help! Well let's hope they don't suck for the rest of the year then. Now I hope I could have spent those $110 somewhere else. At least Birchbox looks a bit better.

I technically paid for only one box which was December's. I never got my January bag so I was refunded and got an extra gift in this month's bag. I was never charged for this month's bag so I haven't canceled. If they want to keep giving me free bags, I'm cool with that. If I'm charged for next month's box, I might cancel it depending on what is in the March bag. 

Just cancelled. I wasn't  excited for this month's bag, then once I received it, I was embarrassed to show the contents to my family members (they get curious about what's in the bb and glam bag). Since the first bag was such a hit, and the second included several full sized items - I feel like I've gotten my money worth. However, Michelle Phan, the incredibly fake figureheads a.k.a my glam stylists, and lack of make up samples added up to a major FAIL. Everything that pulled me in at the beginning has turned out to be lie after lie, why did we receive Freeman mask samples back to back!?!!! Where is the makeup? NYX product, again? I read someone on the thread mention it felt as if this bag was everything on the bottom of your makeup drawer you don't want. I completely agree.

I feel like I just cut off a relationship with a boyfriend that blew me away on the first date but took a turn for the worst and month after month, I kept saying to myself, "maybe it'll change" and "It's not so bad. Next month will be better." Really, I'm not upset because I spent $10 on this months bag and didn't care for the contents. I'm disappointed because it's clear they don't care about their customers i.e the manner in which they created a grand office as opposed to fixing issues with shipping, creating a thorough quiz, or decent Feb bag!!!

And it was such an important month for we ladies because it has Valentine's Day, they made a bag out of the theme Valentine's Day and almost everyone doesn't receive them until 2/15. It's like receiving a Christmas Present at 12/27. Needless to say you won't even use most of these things for a V-day night out make up. Well maybe the NYX roll on shimmer.

Thumbs up to the my glam and boyfriend metaphor. lol

Originally Posted by candycoatedlove /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just cancelled. I wasn't  excited for this month's bag, then once I received it, I was embarrassed to show the contents to my family members (they get curious about what's in the bb and glam bag). Since the first bag was such a hit, and the second included several full sized items - I feel like I've gotten my money worth. However, Michelle Phan, the incredibly fake figureheads a.k.a my glam stylists, and lack of make up samples added up to a major FAIL. Everything that pulled me in at the beginning has turned out to be lie after lie, why did we receive Freeman mask samples back to back!?!!! Where is the makeup? NYX product, again? I read someone on the thread mention it felt as if this bag was everything on the bottom of your makeup drawer you don't want. I completely agree.

I feel like I just cut off a relationship with a boyfriend that blew me away on the first date but took a turn for the worst and month after month, I kept saying to myself, "maybe it'll change" and "It's not so bad. Next month will be better." Really, I'm not upset because I spent $10 on this months bag and didn't care for the contents. I'm disappointed because it's clear they don't care about their customers i.e the manner in which they created a grand office as opposed to fixing issues with shipping, creating a thorough quiz, or decent Feb bag!!!

I cancelled right after I got the February bag. I signed up in January so it was my first and last month. I didn't hate it as much as some - I got the NYX shimmer in a color I like (salmon), and I actually really enjoyed what the Goji Berry Mask did for my skin - but overall the company leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Their customer service is abysmal and while I didn't hate this bag, I do feel like it has been a bait-and-switch after the December bag. Obviously any company will try to make their first bag/box/whatever as awesome as possible to attract customers, but going from UD and Tarte to Freeman and Pro-active is just ridiculous. I'd rather spend my money elsewhere. I signed up for Beauty Army and will be signing up for Birchbox if I ever get off their waiting list.

I canceled today after receiving my first bag.  What utter crap, and bait and switch, too.

I poked around and found SEC filings for the company that owns MyGlam, Personalized Beauty Discovery, Inc., and their paperwork lists three people, none of them Michelle Phan.  Their first month of reported earnings was $479k.  Not too shabby.  They won't get another cent from me. 

If you look up Marcelo Camberos, he actually graduated from Standford's Business School and attended Duke University for undergraduate, and is also the CEO of Funny or Die Inc. (Cited from Linked In)

Marcelo Camberos's Experience
CEO and Co-Founder

July 2011 – Present (8 months)

CEO and Founder
Real Influence, Inc.

June 2010 – Present (1 year 9 months)

VP, Business Development & MD, International
Funny or Die, Inc.

May 2007 – June 2010 (3 years 2 months)

Business Development

2006 – 2006 (less than a year)

VP, Marketing and Business Development
HSM Americas

2003 – 2005 (2 years)

Senior Associate
JPMorgan Partners

Originally Posted by CarolynW /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I canceled today after receiving my first bag.  What utter crap, and bait and switch, too.

I poked around and found SEC filings for the company that owns MyGlam, Personalized Beauty Discovery, Inc., and their paperwork lists three people, none of them Michelle Phan.  Their first month of reported earnings was $479k.  Not too shabby.  They won't get another cent from me. 

So hopefully he knows that he's doing.

I canceled in January but recieved the February bag.  MyGlam is just horrible on so many levels.  They seem to be very shady. Honestly, I doubt the future MyGlam bags are going to get any better.  I cant imagine any reputable cosmetics company would want to be associated with MyGlam.  I dont know much about the other "stylists", but Michelle Phan just seems sleezy to me and I will now steer clear of any business that she or Marcelo Cambero is associated with.  I feel bad for the people who signed up and paid for an annual subscription.  This company has been in business 3 months, and the last 2 were just awful - from thier customer service, the shipping problems and the products. The December MyGlam bag was great, the January bag was ok - the full size The Balm product made that month worth it, but the February bag was just horrible. I really dont see how they can get any worse than the February bag, but time will tell...  As I said, I feel bad for the people who paid for the annual subscription.  I'm wondering if MyGlam will still be in business a year from now.

Why does everyone hate Michelle Phan? I never watch youtube videos but she seems sort of adorable in the few videos I watched yesterday? 

I still love her! I actually followed her V-day make up tutorial made in 2011 which she used most drugstore products in her tutorial. It was awesome because she has the creativity on make up which I don't. I think some people start hating on her since she became the spokesperson of Lancome, then she started making videos using all Lancome products, which people find it annoying.

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Why does everyone hate Michelle Phan? I never watch youtube videos but she seems sort of adorable in the few videos I watched yesterday? 

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Why does everyone hate Michelle Phan? I never watch youtube videos but she seems sort of adorable in the few videos I watched yesterday? 

There was some sort of issue with a product she launched that wasn't approved by the FDA and her lying about it? I haven't really looked into it, but this post talks about it.

I'm giving them another month. I dislike almost everything about the way they run the service, but I still feel the products they send are more in line with what I want than other subscription services. I wasn't bowled over by this month's bag but I didn't think it was god awful either. I really like the NYX shimmer and the other products are ok. I severely dislike that they sent us a gift certificate that requires us to put down money (shipping costs count in my book), so I sold it on eBay and pretty much made back the cost of the bag. That made me feel better about it.

So it seems that her fame has gotten the best of her. Greed and more greed. The FDA thing is absolutely absurd! She really messed that up. 

I loved the macaroon look she made with two Lancome palettes. But Im not about to run out and buy them, but I have similar colors to use. It'd be nice if she had some kind of power to get a lancome product in the bag ;) /emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And now you have me wanting to sell my NuMe coupon on ebay!

I am just itching to cancel as soon as possible because the January and February bag have just been poo-poo.

I'll be sticking it out for March...maybe. Hopefully it gets better. If it doesn't, then I'll throw a mini party for myself that I'm not wasting another ten bucks each month on crap that I really don't need. I'm guessing it will probably be just as bad or even worse than the February bag. Whatever happened to the great quality they first delivered in the December 2011 bag? :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> And delivery has been horrible and they're just so frustrating. I could just go on and on about Myglam...

Originally Posted by NaturalGeek /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Marcelo Camberos?

Well, then this seems to be the 'genius' behind MyGlam...


And this is the profile picture on his Facebook page.  Speaks volumes, if you ask me... No?!  


LOL! That explains so much!!! 

I might be meeting him next month when I'm in San Fran for my meeting with MyGlam. :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> That's the secret I'll be spilling later tonight on Facebook. MyGlam wants to know what do subscribers want to ask us (the beauty bloggers). :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> We'll be having a tour of the warehouse and have a working lunch. I can't wait to go and see MyGlam first hand, maybe then it'll shed some light on why things are handled the way it is.

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I might be meeting him next month when I'm in San Fran for my meeting with MyGlam. :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> That's the secret I'll be spilling later tonight on Facebook. MyGlam wants to know what do subscribers want to ask us (the beauty bloggers). :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> We'll be having a tour of the warehouse and have a working lunch. I can't wait to go and see MyGlam first hand, maybe then it'll shed some light on why things are handled the way it is.

I personally feel that they should be focusing on the subscribers not just the bloggers who are subscribers. I doubt they will be able to climb out of the well they have fallen into!

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I might be meeting him next month when I'm in San Fran for my meeting with MyGlam. :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I can't wait to go and see MyGlam first hand, maybe then it'll shed some light on why things are handled the way it is.
Yeah, let us know if the profile pic is a fair representation of customer service.  

Quote: Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

MyGlam wants to know what do subscribers want to ask us (the beauty bloggers). :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Sorry, not sure I get the point there.  Why are they interested in what their subscribers want to ask beauty bloggers?  Which beauty bloggers?  The ones that are subscribers themselves?  And what they want to ask, and did not dare to ask?!  About MyGlam?  

Maybe I am being thick, but I don't get it...  


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