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Apr 14, 2006
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How do you know when It's not normal? My hair is starting to fall like crazy since summer ended. Ahhhhh, I'm so scared
Will I become balded? How do I stop this?
Supposedly we lose up to 100 hairs (or 150 hairs) per day. Some days it does seem like a lot more, but I doubt it ever is. As thick as my hair is, and as much as I seem to lose, I should be somewhere near thinner hair, but no! Don't worry, I seriously doubt you're going bald sweetie.

Have you changed your eating habits lately? Often if you don't eat enough/have a poor diet/don't get adequate nutrition, your hair will fall out. Also, if you've been really stressed, that can contribute to it. Mine used to come out in clumps in the shower, and it got very thin and dry. That's the only answer I have for you.

I don't think you're going bald, don't worry
Aquilah is right, we do loose many many hairs daily... it's just natural, and they grow back.

Oral contraceptives sometimes play a role in hair loss (This is a subject that MDs sometime forget to mention).

Thanks sweeties!

but I'm still scared I might become bald in a year
My hair use to be so thick, and I wanted it to be thiner. And now that I have thin hair, I wish it we're thick. I don't know if It's fallen out like this before, maybe it has but I didn't notice it till a couple months ago. But since I have, I've been so freaked out everytime I shower

And about the eatting habbits, well.... I'm never healthy
could it possibly be that I haven't eatten fruits for a very long while? :S

it is perfectly normal to lose hair everyday.. are you undergoing any stress? cause if so that is a major cause of alopecia (hair loss).. So relax, and cut any stress and start a healthy diet..

I have a thyroid problem and one of the symstoms was hair loss, not the the point of balding but scary anyway.

Originally Posted by rejectstar /img/forum/go_quote.gif Have you changed your eating habits lately? Often if you don't eat enough/have a poor diet/don't get adequate nutrition, your hair will fall out. Also, if you've been really stressed, that can contribute to it. Mine used to come out in clumps in the shower, and it got very thin and dry. That's the only answer I have for you.
I don't think you're going bald, don't worry
Aquilah is right, we do loose many many hairs daily... it's just natural, and they grow back.

I definitely agree!! My hair seems to shed quite alot especially when I'm very stressed out, eat poorly and don't take my multi-vitamins!
If you are still can take Biotin or suppliments for strong, healthy hair growth (GNC Hair Skin Nails). I can tell you that those helped me!! Good luck and try not to worry

I shed when for a couple of days after dying my hair. Have you dyed your hair recently?

I totally feel your pain!

I was experiencing the same thing for quite awhile. I was losing TONS of hair each time I showered, brushed, and finding it all over the place. My hair was already thin but I noticed it was breaking off and I was starting to thin dramatically at the hairline which scared and depressed me. I had blood work done and everything looked normal. My doctor didn't tell me (just like mentioned earlier) that my birth control pills could be to blame. I found out on my own in during some research and decided to stop since they were making me sick alot anyways.

I also started taking Saw Palmetto around the same time and quit using my hair products that contained dimethicone/silicone and alcohol. I found those ingredients especially dimethicone to be in pretty much everything and it's terrible for your hair! I had to go to the health food store to find shampoo/conditioner w/o it and have stopped using styling products. I just air dry my hair and put it up. It's at an awkward stage and i've been trying to grow it out some anyways so this gives me good opportunity.

It's been several months since i've been off birth control and doing these things and i'm happy to report that my hair has stopped falling out! I just have normal hair shedding now. I have also been using some essential oils that are good for the hair in a base of jojoba oil on my scalp and at the hairline. I'm noticing alot of new growth which looks weird right now but hopefully it will continue to grow back and fill in.

I am pretty healthy otherwise and watch what I eat and take vitamins and other supplements daily but I want to start taking Biotin as well since i'm hearing good things about it and can still use all the help in this department I can get.

So those are some things to take into consideration and that you might want to try.

If you've been under alot of stress you might try taking something to help reduce that since it can play a big role, too.

I wish you the best!


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