Well, it completely depends upon what causes your hair loss. We have hard water at my house, due to living in the woods and drawing from our own well (sooo going to move soon!). The mineral build up clogs pores, weighs down hair, and results in breakage. I started noticing thinning of my hair a couple of years ago, so I began to use mineral removal products. This helped significantly!!!! If I don't demineralize (Malibu Wellness has great a great range of products that do this), I begin to notice a lot more shedding. Twenty strands at a time of shedding. It can be very alarming. It's really important to keep your scalp exfoliated, just like your face, if you want your hair follicles to remain healthy and oxygenated. If your pores can't breathe or are damaged, hair can't grow.
Other causes of hairloss in females can result from genetics (hereditary alopecia, i.e. female pattern baldness...happens with age), anemia, biotin deficiency (still a bit contraversial).
My best suggestion is to make sure your scalp and hair is clean, with a demineralizer. Then, grab a good multi or prenatal vitamin. Something with B-5, folic acid, and biotin.