Hair Extensions? forums

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Oct 27, 2005
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Hey, I was wondering about hair extensions... I am thinking of getting them and I read up on how they are done a little bit... but I am still skeptical. I don't really have that much money (so things like Great Lengths are out of the question for me).

If anyone has gotten extensions before and can post about their experience and whether or not they liked them, how long they were in, etc. I would be very grateful! What is the difference between extensions and a weave? Also, before you go to get them done do you have to go "buy your hair" somewhere?

:blink: ohh geez, so many questions, haha, any response would be good.

Hello there! I have never done them, so I'm not THAT familiar w/ them. But I know a few people who had them done. Results were kinda 50/50. Here are a few threads that might help you. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />




Hi ,it depends on how you want them in! There's sew ins and glued in and fused in! All of them aren't damaging as long as you take them out carefully and in due time! I don't think it's a difference with weave and hair extensions! I just know it's hair added to your own hair for length and thickness! Do some calling around and see who allows you to bring your own brought hair and see who has there own! Usually the ones who says bring your own is the cheapest price! HAVE FUN!!! :laughing:

don't get the glue in hair extensions as NYAngel suggested...

i like clip ons :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> if you go on up hair extensions in your desired colour and you'll find tons! it's temporary and won't damage your hair. you can easily take them on and off at your own ease.

i bought my mom real hair extensions last year and she loves them.


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