First, this does not seem to be causing any breakouts! I'm very acne prone and my skin has been an oil factory all of my life.
I've only been doing this once a day, but I might give twice a day a shot. My mix is 50:50 castor oil:jojoba oil. I had those on hand, but I'm going to see what EVOO can do too. I use a small (maybe quarter size) of this mixture.
Usually, I rub this on my face before entering the shower, then stick my face under the warm water and smooth it into my skin. (I tried the hot water washcloth sitting on my face, but I got claustrophobic! LOL!) Then I take my washcloth and keeping my face under the shower, I gently rub the oils away. I haven't had any problems with oil on my hands or face. It is either rinsed away or absorbed into my skin.
After I clean, I dip my fingers into 100% jojoba oil and put a light coat on my face. It usually takes about 5-10 minutes to absorb w/ no oily residue. Then prime, then makeup... I think this is about the best way to clean your face! It takes off all of your makeup and eyemakeup with no problems.