Originally Posted by
CassBH /img/forum/go_quote.gif OOOhh! If that's true, then I am off to trade secret today! What about a styling porduct from their line that is silicone free? Any idea?
Also, what type of oil do you put on the ends? Is this something you can do on damp hair before you blow dry?
I use mainly jojoba oil because it is the closest to our own natural sebum and absorbs much faster, both to hair and face. I always put it on damp hair. Sometimes if you apply it to dry hair, it will feel crunchy. If your hair is dry, mix a couple of drops of oil with a dab of cone free conditioner and mist a bit of water on your hands and apply it that way.
OK, so we know about good conditioners now. What about a good, non-damaging shampoo?
I am partial to the less harsh sulfated shampoos and I dilute them. I alternate between Aveda Rosemary mint/Nature's Gate Original Herbal/Elucence Moisture Benefit and Nexxus Botanical .
If you'll apply some cone free conditioner (the less expensive VO5 stuff works great for this) to your wet hair ends and length before shampooing, then just shampoo the scalp, when you rinse the shampoo will glide over the conditioner and do less damage. Remember , your ends are the oldest part of the hair shaft and must be pampered. If you protect them, you'll find that in the process you are treating the rest of your hair better too.
This pic was taken yesterday. I use the above shampoos and the conditoners I use are:
Sebastian Volume/Nature's Gate Original Herbal/Aveda/Elucence Moisture Balance.
ETA: I forgot to mention, I get my roots highlighted every two months. I just had them done last Thursday. I'm proof you can have highlights AND healthy hair.