Originally Posted by empericalbeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif I am a 4b..when my hair is wet i could pass for a 4a Grace, you may in fact be a combo 4a/b if that's the case. I think a very slight majority of our girls have this same hair type. The bulk of us naturally tend to fall between 3c - 4b. Although I've seen more than a few 3b folks in Naija too.
Originally Posted by mayyami /img/forum/go_quote.gif 1B - now, what to do with this info !? Well Mayyami, this sort of system can help you determine what kind of daily hair maintenance to use. It can also help you to relate to people with the same hair type. And lastly, most hair care professionals are at least somewhat aware of this kind of description, and that may help them decide how best to style your hair with the least amount of damage.
Originally Posted by StereoXGirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm either a 2b or a 2c. I hate it, though! lol! Shaundra, don't hate your hair. Love it fiercely. I'm not saying this is you at all, but the people I run into that wear their wavy hair straight have not ever been taught how to properly beautify wavy hair. All they know how to work with and appreciate is straight hair, and that's just a shame. The thing about wavy hair is that you have the best of both worlds. It can be made straight or curly with ease, and with no heat (you should really look into those methods). Straight and curly haired folks are not so lucky in that regard.