Good Article on Washing Hair w/ Conditioner Only! forums

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Jun 10, 2005
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Since there have been some many topics on using silicones around here and some talk about conditioner-only washes, I thought I would post this article for you all to read. I thought it was interesting and made a lot of sense. I love this website and that is why I posted it for you all in another thread last week. Who couldn't use more beauty info, right?

Enjoy the article! » How To Clean Your Hair With Conditioner


thanks for the article. i don't think i'll use that method though, i'm afraid it would grease my hair. :kopfkratz:

I had read on Long Hair community that this method of washing the hair is really good, and once your hair gets used to it, it does not get greasy. But it seems after reading this article that it might not be the best method.

Of course, there is always the happy medium of not washing your hair with shampoo every time you wash. Just getting it wet and putting conditioner on the ends. Rotating that with regular shampooing might be a good way to minimize stripping the hair. Never know how your hair will react until you try it though! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

there is another thread posted on here about this....... its called CO washing.........i would've inserted a link to the post but i dont know how :kopfkratz:

Yeah, if you want even MORE details on CO washing, go on and do a search on it. You will learn more than you ever wanted to know on the subject! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Well, don't forget. Conditioners do have some cleansing agents in them (just not as harsh as shampoos). And, if you are using a lot of silicones, they probably will build up, but this can happen even when you use a gentle shampoo. You almost need to use a stripping/clarifying shampoo to remove silicones, which is not really great for your hair.

I guess the only way to see is to test it out on yourself. I will give it a shot and see how it works for me.

Cass, what type of hair do you have?

According to the LHC site, I have fine hair that is medium in thickness, and I have a 2a/b curl to my hair.

Well, if there is an analysis of your hair on their site, I have not yet done it (though maybe I will later when I get some more time). But my hair is fine, though I have a lot of it, and it is a bit dry, as I do highlight and blowdry. I have not let my hair air dry in years and years, but when it is wet, it does have a slight wave to it (not a pretty, let it go natural wave, more like a yucky wave that needs to be straightened). I think that is the best way to describe it.

Sounds like it might be similar to yours. Do you have any pix of your hair?

I couldn't do it. I am too OCD to not use shampoo. I would be worried that I looked like a grease ball!

I recently read the Curly Girl book and Laurraine Massey (co owner DevaCurl, Devachan salon) believes in conditioner washing. I've been trying it out the past two weeks. I'm trying to decide if I want to go back to my natual curls or not. So far I've been able to hold out for a week before using a very mild shampoo. I think my hair is actually getting stronger, it's definatly in better condition.

OOps one more up really depends on what kind of styling products you use. If you use water based, and rinse daily there isn't build up.

It's worth trying, though. Do it on a weekend, or on a day where you have no where to go. That way, it won't matter. I have heard a lot of people say that once their hair got used to it, it looked better than ever!

Hmmm, not of it curly (or recent). I may be able to find someone to snap a pic & post it, or send it to you.

I would not say I have a lot of hair, it is fine in texture and I have a medium amount of it. I can get the wave/curl to go pretty curly. Before the damage done by the last hairdresser, my 2nd non-wash day was typically my best hair day, and for whatever reason, I was able to really to get it to go curly, like a beach head curly. I was receiving compliments left and right.

OR people can just buy natural shampoos that wont strip the hair, that seems to be more logical..

Don't assume that just because a shampoo is "natural", it is not stripping. Some of the most drying shampoos I have used have been "all-natural", no soaps, etc. Even things found in nature can be harsh:)

ive heard about this, it just makes me nervous since my hair is already greasy naturally that this will make it worse. although it would help for the fact that my hair is narturally curly too.

awww, girl cant win.


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