Quote: Originally Posted by evildrporkchop /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To be fair, I find all personal blogs to be self aggrandizing in varying degrees.
And while I don't appreciate the timing of the objection over the polishes being sold (again, assuming that this was actually the case), I'm wondering if Bondi was willing to compensate her for the use of her signature and illustration on the bottles. If they weren't and so much as balked at the suggestion, then I do see where she's coming from.
Quote: Originally Posted by MoiSurtout /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So not even an apology... I wasn't aware she had a brand, but at least now I know what to avoid.
I agree with many people's take on Shaw's dispositioin.
Without further information, from a busiess perfective Bondi's investing $50,000 of products and I personally don't believe that her curation hours, branding cache and projected loyalty fees matches Bondi's investment.
The fallout for her brand is bad. Even if Bondi refused any loyalty, the exposure that the "Shaw" brand would have received through Bondi's broader distribution channel would have been invaluable for Ms. Shaw and her brand, because at this point the Bondi brand is stronger then the Shaw brand, IMHO. Again, without addition information on the public's part, I think her lawyer had to make a tough call in support of Shaw's presumed "branding cache" and it came back unfavorably.
For me its a valuable lesson in Marketing 101 /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />...
I am still excited for the box(es) though!!
But please, please no orange, me no creamsicle...
To be fair, I find all personal blogs to be self aggrandizing in varying degrees.
And while I don't appreciate the timing of the objection over the polishes being sold (again, assuming that this was actually the case), I'm wondering if Bondi was willing to compensate her for the use of her signature and illustration on the bottles. If they weren't and so much as balked at the suggestion, then I do see where she's coming from.
Quote: Originally Posted by MoiSurtout /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So not even an apology... I wasn't aware she had a brand, but at least now I know what to avoid.
I agree with many people's take on Shaw's dispositioin.
Without further information, from a busiess perfective Bondi's investing $50,000 of products and I personally don't believe that her curation hours, branding cache and projected loyalty fees matches Bondi's investment.
For me its a valuable lesson in Marketing 101 /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />...
I am still excited for the box(es) though!!