Gloss treatment forums

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Jazzing is awesome, I think lasts about a month, but it depends on how much you shampoo. I have highlights as well, in case that helps. I also recommend the heat method, it really makes a difference.

I tried the Clairol Shine Happy Gloss Treatment about a month ago and my hair hated it. At first, it was okay, but after about a week, the damage rose and the shine factor went down. I'm still trying to nurxe my hair bak to health because of it.

I love this brand!!! Specially there makeup line :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> but its so hard to find :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Anyways, I use this one thing that comes in a clear bottle. Its a shine syrum and also a leave in conditioner. What I love about it is that I can use it to straighten my hair also, it leaves it sooooo straight with no frizz and so soft. I forget the name though :kopfkratz:

Okay, call me dumb here, but I just thought about something... Basically a gloss is for shine, right? In which case, whatever happened to doing the cheap, at-home treatments like using egg whites or whatnot? I've never had a problem with not having shiny hair, so I reckon I don't offer much help...

I use Redken Shades EQ in Crystal Clear on my clients who just want clear shine...its amazing!!!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Shades is my demi-permanent color HG!!!!!

can consumers buy this and do it at home? If so, where can we buy and what is the application method? Thanks!

Try John Frieda glaze, it works and it cheap. or Shine happy from Clairol to boost your shine.


Have you heard of this or tried it? What are your thoughts on using this on highlighted hair??


I am currently using both. John Frieda glaze 2-3 times a week and Shine happy every 4 weeks. My hair is brown and like all brown colors it looks dull. Those two products are really good.
