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Sep 22, 2007
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Has anyone used this before? I bought some tonight because they had a value size. I was trying to decide between this and the Beautiful length Pantene Pro V. Just wondering if I made the right decision or should I go back for the Pantene?

Has anyone used the Pantene Beautiful lengths shampoo and conditioner before? I read on the bottle that it helps to grow your hair out. I'm just wondering if it's any good or if it's just like all the other pantene S&C.

Before I switched to salon products I used the Sunsilk line right when it came out. It smells really good, my hair didn't dry pin straight or anything but it was a good shampoo.

i have really frizzy hair and need salon but the sunsilk did smell good it all depends on your hair type

I tried it out today and while it was wet it was Straight, then when it dried it was Super Frizzy! The smell does stay in your hair all day though.

I ended up buying this s&c and just wanted to let everyone know IMO it is nothing like the other pantene pro v! It made my hair very soft and not weighed down at all. I really am enjoying it. Even though it is nothing like the other s&c the smell is the same, which I love. I would suggest that everyone try this out if you like pantene or maybe even if you don't like pantene because it really is different. So much of the money goes to a cancer fund to help with wigs. I think maybe this is why it is so good and gentle is because they rec it for people wishing to grow out their hair to donate to cancer patients.

Originally Posted by neysielyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif try matrix smooth down its awesome and smells just as good Thanks so much, I was just going to ask you what you found that helped. Is that what your using?
yes i have super frizzy curles and that is all i have found that works the serum they make is good to but you can only use a little bit i love it

I have some Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum that I really like, but it only does so much so maybe If I get the S&C it will work better. Once I run out of the PMSSS I plan to buy some of the matrix to try out. Thanks so much for the rec. I have wavy frizzy hair :-(

How does their shampoo and conditioner work on dry hair? I picked up a bottle of Warm Vanilla Sugar S&C but haven't tried it yet. I plan to try it soon, but was looking for some feedback from my fellow MUT'ers. I looked up reviews, but there was only one and it wasn't for the signature collection. Any feedback would be appreciated!! TIA!

Unfortunately the general response i heard about this particular one is that its no good. it doesn't do much for moisturizing dry hair

Thanks so much. I actually found a bottle of the pineapple today for 1/2 price. It was discontinued but they had 2 left that they had found for the semi annual sale. They only had a shampoo no conditioner so I'm gonna try another conditioner. I'm not sure they are very good for anything but the scent from what I've read on other sites.

I'm looking for a new s&c prefer one that is color safe. I was wanting to know what everyone else is using. My hair is Thick almost to my shoulders but not yet. It's very fuzzy or frizzy, and wavy, but I want it to be smooth and straight. Anyone have a suggestion? What are you all using? TIA

Currently I like L'oreal Nutri gloss.

A few days ago I bought the mask and it's damn good stuff.

It softens and my glossed my hair!


lol....that's a lot of shampoo questions!

Try Bain de Terre. Their products are amazing! My boyfriend even uses them and he skips wearing a cap on the days he does use my stuff! He loves the Anywhoooo They have a frizz control line, but the one item I can not live without is the Herbal Sea Mist Detangler! It makes my hair look AWESOME when I let it air dry (which is A LOT this summer!)

I think you need to look more into specific hair care products to get whatever result it is you would like to achieve. Like Adrienne said, shampoo and conditioner can only do so much.

Ok but srsly, BAIN DE TERRE. It's my Hair HG!

I'm trying to find something that will help with thick frizzy hair, I'm open to any advice for any products. I'm getting my hair hilighted thurs so I also need something color safe.


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