Garnier Nutrisse Medium Golden Brown or Medium Natural Brown forums

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Jan 7, 2006
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Garnier Nutrisse Permanent Nourishing Color Treatment with Fruit Oil Concentrates, Medium Natural Brown - 50
Garnier Nutrisse Permanent Nourishing Color Treatment with Fruit Oil Concentrates, Medium Golden Brown - 53

What shade should I use? I want to get my hair all one color. I lightened my hair at salon medium brown a year ago color faded. Now back to dark brown hair. I do not want to use Dark brown or Black in fear it will come out Jet black or really dark black. Just want to let my hair grow out and then choose color ata salon. Just want one medium brown shade. My hair is naturally black/ Dark brown, lighter at the ends.

Remember, color will not lift color, so if you hair is already that dark, you might have to choose the darkest shade to black as you can, if not black, IMO.

I mix a medium neutral brown and a medium golden brown together.

If I just used the golden shade, my hair would look too reddish brown.

Adding the neutral brown tones down the reddish cast.

If you're trying to get back to your natural hair color, I'd go with the color based on what the box says it will be to get the closest match. Remember though, the parts that are highlighted are still going to be lighter, even if not by much. Also remember, the color the box says it's going to be, isn't necessarily the case. Maybe you could drop in to a local salon and ask them what color they think would be the best bet, even if you're not having it done there.

i just bought Garnier in blue black today.Im gonna color it tomorrow.My original hair is black but few months back i did brown hilites. Dunno why suddenly im seeing lots of chicks and models with black hair nowdays.. and that's making me tempted to change back! :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I've heard lots of good things from Garnier nutrisse and people have said that the dark browns dont turn out black.. more brown toned just very dark

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