From Long to Really Short? forums

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Apr 15, 2005
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I'm really thinking about getting my hair cut really short, and would love to here experiences from others who have done so - the good and the bad. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> My hair is currently in long layers, past my shoulders. I'm just sick of the same old same old and would like something different that would require a little less time to style (I currently spend 20-25 minutes on my hair when I wear it down).

This is what I'm thinking of, with a little length on the back, but not enough to be a mullet :scared2:


imo not all short styles require less time to style some even take more work..

I think it also depends on your face and face shape. Some people look good with short hair and others don't.

Thanks for the responses so far.

I really want to do it for more of a change than a time saver. I would think if it's cut right (texturized, razor-cut, or whatever the term is) it should easily stand up and style like I want it.

i like shorter hair. I went from middle back to above my shlders, a little drastic at first, but you love it after a few days.

I like it, I just cut all of my hair off, you can see the before in a thread I posted. I love short hair! Go for it!

I had my hair almost as short as that - and I deeply regretted it already a couple of weeks later. And now it took me a year (no cutting) to get it between chin and shoulder length again.

My personal opinion? Don't do it - it's cut off only in minutes but takes months or even years to grow back if you want it long again. Plus, as the others have said, long hair is actually less hassle and trouble. I had to style my short hair all the time carefully because otherwise it stood into every direction, but not the one I wanted it. Especially after sleeping - it was impossible to go out once in the morning without styling it. But perhaps that was just the texture of my hair that required so much work ... And when I had decided I wanted to grow it again, I had to live months with the most stupid in-between hair-do imagineable ... I regretted it soon, and will never ever again cut it that short. I love my longer (again) hair - I just wash it and let it air dry so that my natural waves come through (perhaps it was also due to the waves that the short cut wasn't the optimum for my hair). Yes, it may be the same style every day, but there are not so many different styles possible with short hair either (I thought I could do lots of cool things with my hair, use gel, wax or whatever, but I looked weird all the time and had to wear the same style all the time as it was the only one that worked).

When my hair was short, just a little longer than that, it was more maintenance. It needed more product since it stuck up everywhere and not in a nice looking way either. Plus you need to get it cut more often if you want it to keep its shape. I personally wouldn't recommend it. It takes so long to grow back too.

My hair was to the middle of my back for a loooong time. I got so sick of it. My hair is very thin and the longer it got the flater it got. I had mine cut in stages. I went from the middle back to just under shoulder blade. Then I went to on the shoulder. Finally I did what you see to the left. If you go in stages you can get use to it much easier. If you go from long to short in one wack you will most likely freak. Stages allow you to stop if you change your mind and it will take far less time to grow back.

I had really long hair to my butt and I got it all cut off. It takes more time now than it did before. Also you have to go in for trims and if you want to grow it out you have to deal with a lot to get it long again. Everytime I get mine a little long I can't do anything with it and end up cutting it off again. My hair doesn't look good short either because I have a Full face.


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