Originally Posted by dbrown82 I wash my hair every day with dominican hair products. My hair strand is fine, but its dense( makes it appear thick). I've been growing my hair out for a year now, and i'm just trying to get it back to my waist. Dominican hair products are my best friend, and denman brush.
Here are some pictures....
I don't wash my hair everyday, but I do use/love dominican conditioners. I've got a whole closet full of 'em. Late last year, I ordered seven or eight boxes of products, so I'm pretty well stocked up, and won't need to order anything anytime soon. I've noticed when I slack off the products that work, my hair tends to go crazy and lose her mind. If she could talk, I know she'd be cussin' me out bigtime. Anyway, now I found out that they'll be discontinuing several of the products I love the most. That has made me mad as I don't know what. Okay, here goes my regimine as of today:Every 4 days or so start w/a light/medium protein treatment
Wash w/ whatever poo I have, then deep condition with moisturizing treatment
Apply a host of leave-ins and airdry overnight mostly
Once my hair is dry, I use a straightening comb. I don't know how to use a flat iron, then I use a curl iron. This is the only time I use heat. My hair usually stays curled for a day and a half, then I rollerset. I don't like doing rollersets b/c it takes forever and my arms, back, and neck ache so much. Well, that's all I can think of for now. This post is already long as heck, so if u have any questions/suggestions concerning my regimine, I'll answer on another post.