Diet in dermatology is one of the arenas of recent research works in medicine. From a past view of nutrient supplements, focus has now turned to the natural quarters of health providers. This include a substantial list comprising fresh fruits and vegetables.
Food items can be categorised based on their impact on skin health and the main groups to be avoided include-
1.Packaged cereals- though claiming fat free and organic, many of the packaged food stuff contains refined sugar: the main culprit to hamper your skin.
2. Juices and soda- the fruit juice, much adored as healthy by many lack a main ingredient good for skin- juices are fibreless; and an addition of refined sugar and other preservatives further harm the skin lustre.
3. Bread and bread spread- the classic so-called healthy breakfast can develop a high glucose level eventually leading to a spurt in hormones causing skin issues like acne.
4. Never touch the drink when you party!- drinking and smoking has above all the most disastrous effects.
And more importantly, it is important to know what and how to eat the right way! Also read-Face & Skin care - tips, home remedies and treatment for all skin types to pamper your skin in a better way.